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3 years ago

Hello family, Im back!

Thank God Im still alive and kickin'. 😊🙏

I haven't wrote an article this past few weeks since Im busy with other stuffs.

Today I will reminisce and shared some photos of mine in my Sagada travel way back 2017.

Welcome to Sagada! It is a town in the Cordillera Mountains, within Phillipine's Mountain Province. They have so many rice terrraces in there and beautiful places that must see.

This photo was taken by my friend when we having our trekking in Sagada. It was a really nice view there and the air was so refrehing. You will didn't notice that youre walking for about an hour already because of the amazing view that you will see.

Bomod-ok Falls

Bomod-ok Falls is also called the Big Falls because it is a definitely bigger than Bokong falls, another popular waterfalls in Sagada. Bomok-od has a very cold water, it's cold water cascades from the top of a beautiful naturally contoured cliff to a pool below, forming a 200-ft column of water. That falls was so amazing and worth the pain in our legs to see that wonferdul place.

That child on a photo was a Sagada baby. We saw her alone when we are going up and she just sitting in that wood and I surprised because she didn't cry as well. She didn't talk yet so were not ask her name.

Sagada view
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Sagada view

That's all for today! Hope you like it!

Adios! Akianne is my name. 🖤🖤🖤

Pls subscribe for more articles of mine. 😊

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Avatar for Akianne
3 years ago


Ganda naman dyan, how I wish mapuntahan ko rin sana

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Super ganda diyan sis. Gusto ko psng bumalik ulit kulang yung 4days hehe

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ay wow, sana matapos na covid ng makalabas na

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sana nga sis. Praying 🙏

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow! So beautiful 😍

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That place is really beautiful!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yea, it is

$ 0.00
3 years ago