How sad she was

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Written by
2 years ago

"My spouse died two years ago, and I've been really unhappy since then," a girl once confessed to me.Despite my best efforts, I'm unable to emerge from this situation.

I instructed her to sit in silence for five minutes and write down ten things she used to do two years ago, then urged her to repeat this process. Among other things, she mentioned that I was a dance instructor and that I frequently went out to dinner with friends on Saturday nights and took an hour-long walk with my wife and another friend on the weekends. She also said that I liked making jokes with coworkers at work and talking with old school friends from time to time.

When she was finished, I asked her to mark the activities that she was still engaged in by drawing circles around them. That was all she said. Because of this, she had to complete these tasks for the next 10 days and then meet me on Day 11 of that time period to discuss them further. A large smile spread across her face as she walked into my room on the eleventh day. She appeared to be in good health and had a youthful glow about her. This woman told me that after so many days of feeling down and unhappy, her joy had returned to her.

If you want to be happy, you'll have to work for it.

To put it another way, "Happiness comes only from knowing what things make you happy and doing them on a regular basis." For some people, a morning workout or breathing exercise program brings them joy. They're good to go for the rest of the day. Certain people find great joy in spending time alone or in nature. Do some self-examination to learn more about who you really are. Your likes, dislikes, and what truly makes you happy are all things to consider. Don't copy other people's behaviors. Your precious time will be wasted, and you will feel guilty about it later. You must discover how you prefer to spend your free time and perform it as if it were a sacred rite.

Also, wasting time on a cell phone will not make you happy.

$ 4.36
$ 4.35 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @Mictorrani
Avatar for Akane
Written by
2 years ago


Knowing what makes us happy and doing it is the best solution we can proffer to ourselves.

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2 years ago