What ifs, Buts and Maybes

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Written by
1 year ago

As humans, life will come at you in different ways. Some are believed to be lucky while others are believed to be unlucky. The problem with this is that the unlucky, clouded by sentiments and the struggles they have had to overcome think life is unfair. But I ask, isn't the fact that life is unfair the very reason it is fair?

It wouldn't be farfetched if I said many of us have been in situations where we ask ourselves "WHAT IF...?" We question everything and the circumstances we are in. As a child, I would always look at my peers who had the things I couldn't have and ask myself "what if I was them?" now, as an adult, I look at those who don't have what I have and ask "what if I was them?" it is funny how time would change your view of things and even though you're asking the same question (What if...?), you are asking the question in different directions. A simple 'what if' can open your mind to different perspectives, and views.

They say BUTs are are mostly never good and anything that comes before the word is b*ll¢rap. I say it depends on what comes after it. Sometimes, BUTs comes after a what if, other times they serve as a reminder that we have other ideas or options, or even factors to consider before making a big decision. We ask BUT when we are not sure, when we are confused about what is and what isn't. We say BUT to to give hope, or to shatter hopes. BUTs provide clarity sometimes or brings doubts to cloud our thinking.

MAYBE I am wrong about all I have said so far, maybe you see the truth in my words or maybe all those words left you confused. You are probably wondering what I am on about or what must have led me to write about this today. Maybe I choose to go out of my usual and go with the unusual. Forgive me if I bore you, maybe I don't need your forgiveness after all, and I should be unapologetic about what I am writing because it is from my heart, free writing if you will.

Maybe you don't need all the What ifs, buts, maybes, but instead just do you and you alone. Maybe you shouldn't second guess, neither should you doubt yourself, your choices and the card life have dealt you.


Permit the forest part of this article, it was all written straight from the heart, unfiltered. Just last week, I was filled with doubts about what the future holds and all the ways everything could go wrong. I over think these things every now and then, and other times I just leave things to unfold before my eyes.

I have caught myself thinking about what if important and what isn't and reevaluating choices I have made and have served me. Perhaps, things would have take a different turn if I had done this at some point, or that at some point. Whatever it is, whatever could have been, it doesn't matter, choices have already been made and nothing much could be done to change that.

I can only promise to do better in the future, and do the best I can to ensure that choices I make henceforth are best. Also, if I do have to make a choice between this and that, I will chose to do what is right irrespective of the consequences.

Thanks for reading my rant, I assure you that it isn't always the case, I also want to let you know that I cannot promise it will be the last time you read something like this from me.

Thank You For Reading 🖤🖤

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Written by
1 year ago


Life is full of what if's, buts, and maybes, life is taking a risks and you can see all the essence of these three words if you're willing to take a risk and face the all consequences afterward or do nothing. But that's life, we're not perfect, we have flaws and make mistakes but what matters the most is how we learned from all of it and make the best for the present and for the future.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

I very much agree with what you have said, I also appreciate it, thanks so much.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I guess everyone think about the future at one point or another, at least you're one of the few that also think about things going wrong, most people only focus on the things going well, until e shock dem later 😆

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I suppose you are right about that.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We all have what's if, but , maybe in some certain aspect of our life , so a normal thing

$ 0.01
1 year ago

That is true Favour

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's life and its normal. Me too have my what ifs, maybe and but. We all need to go on because life isn't complete without them. Think positive, do what is best so in the end you will not regret for not doing anything.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Well said JenThoughts. I really appreciate

$ 0.00
1 year ago