Truisms That Aren't True

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2 years ago

According to the Oxford English dictionary, TRUISMS mean statements that are clearly true and does not therefore add anything interesting or important to a discussion. With this, I have compiled a list of some truisms that are ACTUALLY NOT TRUE. In no particular order:


While hard work is an important ingredient in every soup of success, it does not guarantee success. There are many ingredients that make up the soup of success and all has to come in play together. If we go by that premise, it would mean all unsuccessful people are not hardworking, and only hardworking people are successful. I know people who are hardworking, and have laboured tirelessly for many years, but they are still not successful. With success, hard work has to meet determination, preparedness, opportunity and luck.


In the aspect of romantic relationships, love is only a one of the many things you need for a relationship to work. In fact, WHAT IS LOVE? It has been scientifically explained as a chemical reaction in the brain, same reaction that occurs in dogs brain when they see their owner. While it is a good feeling – Love that is – it takes much more than being in love to sustain a relationship. Love itself can die out, people fall out of love, and it is commitment that is left when this happens. One can cheat on a partner they love, it is discipline and commitment that keeps one in check when they areet with temptation. You can love someone and not spend enough time with them that the relationship itself turn sour. Not necessarily make you love them any less, it’s no surprise, quality time is one of the love languages.

It is also possible to love someone, but not trust them, at least not completely. Some might ask “How’d you say you love someone and not trust them?”. I am not sure if I can give a perfect answer or illustration for that, though, many come to mind, but I don’t think them perfect. Love, effort, commitment, discipline and trust are all part of the blocks that make the house of love.


Let me categorically say that the only things truly yours is your body and your organs, as those are what you were born with. You don’t own a phone unless you pay money for it, you don’t own that dress unless you buy it from the store. And because these things are not truly yours, they do not have a direct effect on your health life. But could you lose your heart and be hearty? (hahaha. Permit my wordplay) Could you lose your limbs and be whole? But I can lose my clothes or even give them out and still be perfectly fine, in fact, because I had given them out, I will be happier. So nothing is really yours unless you work hard for it. Only then will it be yours. And because you worked for it, you can also lose it too.


True, there are too many ordeals that can befall a person, so much so you start to wonder if life itself had something against them. But it is a general thing, virtually everyone has one ordeal or another. It might differ from person to person, but it is still an ordeal. Because life isn’t fair to you doesn’t mean it is fair to others. And the fact that it is not fair to anyone in particular, makes it fair to everyone. Or at least, that is how I see it.


I have particularly talked about these truisms because there are quite common or at least these are the ones I could think of at the moment. I hope I have made a fair argument with concrete reasons as to why they are untrue. I could also state that truisms can be likened to the fallacy known as argumentum ad populum which is the wrong belief that something is true because a lot of people say it is.

Thank You For Reading 🖤🖤

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Written by
2 years ago


Beautifully written. I love this series. I'd like if you can continue it.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you. Let's see, if I can continue I will.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nice concept..I like. Sadly all of those statements are becoming less true with each decade that passes and probably in time, they may become obsolete.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I hope people will come to realise. But Einstein did say infinite

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The first part hard work pays... This "truism" is just so obsolete any anyone who still fails to realise this is just on a lo g thing... Working hard in something worth doing pays or simply put working smart pays.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Exactly. Work hard in a smart way.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I encountered and heard those words every single day however I didn't know that it's called Truism, it's a false information that been popularized by many people and due to its popularity, people start believing it to the point that it is widely accepted and became true. It's nice to read this kind of new information, thanks for sharing.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Exactly, you get it. People believe it because a lot of people say it. Thank you for reading

$ 0.00
2 years ago