The Human Condition

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2 years ago

Being the apex species on earth, being human has not been a walk in the park. Perhaps it is the responsibility that comes with having dominion over every other creatures on earth, but arguments about whether we have been taking care of the planet or destroying it is still on. There are different ways to surf on this sea of troubles being caused by humans daily.

To start with, we could talk about the tons of wastes – organic and inorganic – being generated by humans around the globe yearly. The problems with this is that:

• These wastes are produced due to our daily activities, some of which are essentially for survival;

• An efficient means of recycling or managing generated wastes does not exist.

It’s ironic how our daily activities are detrimental to our home, our only home. For example, transporting from one place to another daily especially to find our daily bread is inevitable. For the world to spin, gears and wheels have to move. The mechanization of everything aimed at making life easier and better has been a major contributor to the gas blanket forming in the atmosphere, and trapping heat from the sun.

Global warming has been a major concern for the world in recent years, and even though the warning bell is being rung, we seem to be doing nothing to avert the situation. Or am I wrong to say that? Perhaps we aren’t doing enough. The reason I had decided to write about this today is because of a fracas that happened in the farm today. One thing led to another, and I believe the ruckus that lasted about 2+ hours was a means to several ends such as closure for some and a means to finally clear a smoke that had been looming in the air for long to others.

I heard a harsh, yet somewhat truthful realization today. “WE ARE ALL BIASED”. This was said by one of my classmates as the rumpus ensued.

The question I ask is: WHAT IS FAIR?

I remember sometimes last year, a friend had casually asked me if I thought I was a biased person, and he went on to say that sometimes, we’re mostly bias and we don’t even know it. (Unconscious bias). Well, I would say I am yet to read more about that and fully understand what he meant.

Moving on from bias, today was an eye opener as to how an impression or do I say what we want to be an impression of someone can greatly affect our perception of said person. It is so easy to not give people benefit of the doubt, as we subconsciously already have an impression of people, and that often leads us to believe that people are not so much more than the impression they have shown us.

As we strive to make our life filled with joy and happiness, going on with our daily activities and trying to survive the condition we find ourselves in each day, it is important we remember that the earth the world around us is changing, and it is changing fast. Let’s try to stop our habits that contributed negatively to the ecosystem, and do more of the ones that help the ecosystem. Plant flowers in that space just behind your house, plant trees when you can, help the needy and do the little you can to make the world a better place. I assure you that if we make this conscious effort together, we will find that it is a step in the right direction. Together we can go it.

Thank You For Reading 🖤🖤

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Written by
2 years ago


We can help in our little consistent efforts. If everyone does his/her part, it would be really awesome. Also, the huge contributors of wastes and pollution are big industries. Hoping they will get to find ways to shift to more environmentally-friendly systems.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

0very correct FarmGirl. Even if they find a way, will they make the shift to it?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

They said the ozone layer is been depleted faster than it is being replaced by it own chemical reaction.... One funnything about global warming is that It is the poorer and less technologically advanced nation's that get to bear the brunt more than the more developed nations that are the biggest consumers of fossil fuels

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You are right. But some countries are starting to adopt the use of electric cars. Like in Norway, most of the cars there are made by Tesla. I guess it is more money for Elon Musk. But I read somewhere that the adoption of electric cars is the new talk

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yea. I heard about it too. It means that our oil will soon become useless.. I pray it happens soon, make everybody rest

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha. I suppose a good government will diversify the economy now as there is not a better time to do so. And that would also to a degree better the hunger in the country.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ever since I had tasted the tomatoes and green chili that we planted on our roof, I lost interest in store bought vegetables but as I do not have much option as I myself live on a rented property, am unable to grow more vegetables. I love trees and plants, they instantly bring peace in my heart with their colour and motherly nature.. Earth and nature are precious, we need to be more and more accountable towards our actions

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Exactly, because those vegetables in the store are planted with chemicals and fertilizers, they don't taste as good as naturally grown vegetables

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Being human is really tough, in fact we are responsible for our own demise! Global warming, pollution and Blah blah..

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Truly, and soon it might be too late

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Agree to this friend. While we are enjoying living on this earth. We must be responsible with our actions too. We must helping each other to protect our mother earth. We must save our mother earth. Find some ways or solutions to stop and to prevent those things that can destroy our mother earth. We are the one who has a responsibilities because we are one who living there. We should make our world to be better. 🌎

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Exactly. Let's all be naturalist and protect our mother earth

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes friend your right. We should make our mother earth protected.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

E be like say na everyday una dey get fracas for that farm 😂 but it's true sha, we are all biased. The idea of fairness is subjective because what is fair to me might not be fair to someone else. And besides, who decides what is fair or not? 🤔

$ 0.02
2 years ago

More like a debate born out of boredom. Healthy for everyone. I suppose there are standard fairness and others are subjective

$ 0.00
2 years ago