Technology and Nature

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2 years ago

Today has been just another day for me, it’s day three of our outstation, and I had a lot of rest for the day. Although, I couldn’t use my phone as I would love to. As the electricity supply at our accommodation has been terrible, I was charging my phone every chance I get at the farm.

I got home in the evening and after having a shower sat outside the house for cool breeze. I thought about what to write and later indulged a course mate beside me, she was saying something about feminism and how males are naturally designed to care for females. It was when I thought about nature and how there are actually species that the male wait for the female to do all the work, also in some species the male go all the work why in some, it is a joint effort.

Perhaps I’ll write about that later, but what I actually remembered was the topic for today which I have been meaning to write about, and how I had thought about the link between technology and nature. I have thought about how a lot of humans great invention have been to replicate what certain animals do naturally. I could only list some them out so as to expatiate more on them and state the link between said invention and nature.


You need not be a genius to assume that this invention is to replicate the ability of birds to fly. Even planes looks like birds when in the sky, and the concept of aerodynamics has been applied to its invention. This has made travelling much more easier and much more comfortable, especially over long distances and curbing demerits such as traffic that can be encountered when travelling by land, this is one of man’s greatest invention.


Yes, transportation by sea is one of the oldest means of transport, but transportation in water has been a more recent development, and with hydrodynamics incorporated in this, you can almost see it as a giant shark swimming in water. This invention has been used greatly to the advancement of science It self, helping man understand more about the aquatic habitat, and also for other scientific purposes.


I have always seen this as a giant hand. I have also likened it to man himself and how the motivation behind it could have been our very own fingers. Imagine a person picking up a pinch of salt with two fingers, then picking up a handful. Or an eagle catching its prey between its claws. Doesn’t an excavator come to mind? Hehehe. It has served an easy way to dig up the soil, especially for construction.

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This is not farfetched, as it can be likened to humans. Although robots could be in parts or full, over the years it has evolved to become the closest invention to mimicking the apex species – MAN. I guess what is missing is the incorporation of raw emotions and breathing of oxygen. Maybe before the end of the next century, there will be robots that could feel emotions, breathe air, and procreate. Hahaha.


These are some of the inventions I could mention on this article and it is not aimed at mockery but for educative and entertaining purposes. Also, you can mention those inventions you also feel can be likened to something in nature in the comment section.

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I want to specially thank my subscribers, sponsors and engagers, it been a wonderful one month with you guys, and I am so glad on how far we’ve come together. I look forward to better relations with people on this platform as we continue to build and progress together. Thank You 🤗

Thank You For Reading 🖤🖤

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Written by
2 years ago


The airplane would forever remain a big wonder to me... Man can now fly more quickly, comfortably and efficiently far than the birds who naturally own the sky

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Amazing right. I still marvel at the sight of airplanes every time I see one

$ 0.00
2 years ago

"males are naturally designed to care for women", she dey ment 😂 One other invention that was inspired by nature is sonar, which was gotten by observing bats and dolphins and their use of echolocation

$ 0.02
2 years ago

See. A lot of these ideas are from nature

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Technology has played a large role in improving our lifestyle especially in this generation. It has made thing easier but at the sane time leading to gradual extinction of humans through something called air and water pollution, nuclear warheads and bla blah.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You are right, and if we don't do something about it soon, it is going to be terrible

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Technology is keep developing of this coming generation.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

The rise of technology is beyond everything. It has made our life easier but also destroyed our environment.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Very true. And if we don't act fast, it might be too late.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Go ahead and continue to succeed as a content creator on this platform.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you Gertu. We'll grow and succeed together

$ 0.00
2 years ago