online Personality Test of a Thinker

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2 years ago

I had initially done an online personality test and commented the result in the article How Creative Are You by @fantagira, but decided to write about the WHYs after reading her article Creative Types Why am I a Dreamer. You can take the personality test here to see what result you will get.

When traveling you always need a Destination or Direction – Destination

I don’t think I’ll ever leave my house for a spontaneous journey without any direction in mind. By nature, I am a planner, and I like to have everything ready beforehand to avoid being anxious or panic. So, yeah. Destination determines my direction.

My brain spends more time In the Zone or Zoning out – Zoning Out

Although, I do both, I mostly spend a lot of time zoning out. This happens a lot when I am having conversations with someone or in class. They might say something that triggers a thought in my head and that is just what I need to zone out. And I believe the fact that I am easily distracted make this more easier to do.

I tend to see life through the lens of Systems or Stories – System

This was tricky, but the stark difference in the two options made it easier to pick system, as I believe everything follows a particular pattern that depends on or determine another pattern. All these series of events to me makes up a systematic operation of every thing on earth.

Are you a Ruler or a Scribble – Ruler

Like I said, I am a planner by nature, and this makes me quite uncomfortable with scribbling, as I like my things organized and in a certain kind of way.

I’d rather be in a Cocoon or Beehive – Cocoon

Definitely! That is not to say I am an introvert, that is vaguely true, and the fact that is prefer a cocoon is simply based on the fact that I don’t enjoy being among so many people at a time. Also, being in a cocoon leaves me in a spot where I am on my own, and doing my thing without any disturbance or interference.

Dive in head first or dip your toes - Dive

I will definitely extend my dip my toes first on most occasions as I like to be prepared. I really am not a spontaneous person. And if you see me doing anything spontaneously, be surprise

My door is Wide open or Closed – Closed

Yes, my door is closed. I am not really the most social person, and I usually don’t let people in unless I am comfortable with you, and this takes time and a certain level of familiarity too.

Updates are ready to install - Restart now or Remind me tomorrow - Remind me later

Hehehe. I particularly found this question funny because they usually pop up when I am busy with my phone. And I always ask for a reminder until my phone forgets to remind me 🤣🤣🤣.

If you have read this, and you haven’t taken the test, I would like you to, as I am curious to find an Adventurer.

What the site had to say about a Thinker after the test, and I couldn't agree more:

For the Thinker, the examined life is truly the only one worth living. Ever the perpetual student, you experience the world as an endless opportunity for learning, discovery, and truth-seeking.

Driven by an insatiable intellectual curiosity, the THINKER makes the quest for knowledge and truth a lifelong pursuit. With all those big questions and abstract thinking, you’ve got some serious electrical activity going on in that brain of yours! Few things satisfy your inquisitive mind more than a well-formulated question or an elegant solution, and you’re content to spend much of your time alone, studying topics that fascinate you and engaging with your inner world of ideas.

Your greatest gifts are your sense of wonder and depth of perception. You can see the big picture and the deeper meaning of almost any situation in a way that few others can. Your biggest challenges? Getting out of your head and learning to balance theory with practice. Try not to get too caught up in concepts and abstractions, dear THINKER. Great ideas are meant to be brought to life.

Seek out the company of ADVENTURER types, who provide the perfect counterbalance to your introspective and analytical nature. The infectious energy and playful spirit of the ADVENTURER remind you to embrace the joys of creation—and to not be afraid to get your hands a little dirty in the process.

Thank You For Reading 🖤🖤

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Written by
2 years ago


Hmm, it follows that ruler, cocoon, closed people are more smarter 😁

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hehehe. I suppose those were your choices too eh?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha, I got thinker too! We have similar answers but a few are different

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Interesting, may I ask which are different?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sure. I chose stories, dip my toes, restart now

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I don finally see what to write about today 😩 I think I might end up being a thinker as well 🌚 but who knows? Let me first try it out and see what I get

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Have you now? If yes, what are you?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Comrade be calming down first, I haven't 🌚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Comrade be calming down first, I haven't 🌚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I saw a lot of dreamer here hehe

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hehehe. That's true. Only seen two thinkers plus myself. What are you?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha. Guilty here 😂 I also click reminder me later when this pops in my phone till my phone forget to remind me lol

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hehehe. I suppose that is one thing we have in common. Isn't it easier to just click that at that time 🤣🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago