Epiphany on the Bus

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2 years ago

I haven't been as active in the last week as I have been in the weeks before. Like I said in one of my previous articles My World Without Phone, my phone had gotten bad and I was without a phone for about 3 days. In that time, I did manage to use a friend's phone to interact a bit here and make that one post.

This week has been a busy one for me, I have had to go outside of our school campus to work for three consecutive days on two different fish farms. On the first, I had to go to a farm, and sort the fishes there into different sizes, as it is one of the management practices of fish farming. The other two days, I had to go help another farm with the sales of its fish. Two days, and we still are barely half way through the sales. As the farm is stocked with thousands of fishes.

A shot of the fishes before they were harvested for sales

The problem with these kind of job is that they are never planned for as I said in my article Time Management, I had planned to use my time more efficiently this new semester, and for the year too. Information about these kind of jobs come say one or two days to and as a student of Aquaculture and Fisheries Management, you need these jobs to gather experience and broaden your horizon.

I haven’t had a decent sleep for the past three nights as I had to leave the house as early as 6am for three days now. And I come home about ten or eleven hours later all spent from the work I had done. Sometimes, I try to rest and interact with articles, then before you know, it is night already. I make dinner, try to write an article to post and end up dosing off till the next day, and not completing the article. This has been my routine the last three days. And it’s been hectic.

Do I wish it wasn’t that way? Yes, I do. Would I do it all over again? Absolutely, I would. I remember leaving the house one day, and as I was commuting in a bus with other commuters, I sat by the window and was staring at how busy the road is so early in the day. I stopped, and looked at everyone in the bus with me, and everyone was heading somewhere, so early in the day. They had a reason to be out so early and the reason for most is to make their daily bread – Money – myself included.

I thought of how ironic it was that money which was made by man had conditioned the life of humans. In fact, the world. People’s are living a programmed life because they want to work for money. Think of someone who has a job and works an average of 40hrs a week 8hrs a day, 5 days a week. He has the resume work every morning at 8am or 9am and close 4pm or 5pm respectively. In between, he has to commute, and spends about 3 hours to and fro the journey that’s about 11 hours out of 24 hours gone. Almost half a day has been spent chasing the bag. And I wonder how much time that person has to spend with their family.

I had stood had the Bus Stop, thinking about all this and how a lot of people actually never really enjoy the beautiful things of life because they are stuck on a particular routine for most of their life, until they are old and retired, and it is actually too late to enjoy those things. Perhaps, they have found a way to make the most of the situation they are in, and enjoying every bit of their daily routine.

My view at the bus stop

While we lead our lives based on the circumstances we are in, let’s try to create our own circumstances too when we can. Enjoy life. We shouldn’t be so worried about the future that we forget to enjoy the present. I’ll leave us with an excerpt from an interview of The Dalai Lama.

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I want to use this medium to wish @Princessbusayo a Happy Birthday. I wish you all the best things in life and more smiles. More Bitcoin Cash too. Hehehe.

Thank You For Reading 🖤🖤

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Written by
2 years ago


Time is of the essence most people say especially when doing something like work, but that doesn't mean we stop to enjoy life :) it's good that you got 2 days off which you can make the most out of.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I agree with you. Two days off gonna be for resting and enjoying myself 😊😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You work hard. But you have two days off. Take the opportunity to do rewarding things with your family.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I will try to make the most of it. Unfortunately, my family is in another state.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Don't over think things too much my dear friend. Over thinking is another form of stress, a more dangerous one at at. Its going to be alright, you are already doing well.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you Bil. I'll try to stop over thinking eh. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We all are in a race. A race against time dear. That's why people less enjoy their life.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's a perspective I agree with you on that

$ 0.00
2 years ago