Are You a Fixer or a Replacer?

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Written by
2 years ago

Como estas amigos¿ I missed writing yesterday and to be honest I was sort of having some time off the internet for most of today and instead spent it watching a series I have had on my phone for over 3 months now. Anyways, I enjoyed watching it, as it did stimulated my mind to some thoughts, I will share that with you all some other time. Today, I want to write about something that happened when I was taping a torn 500 naira note. Honestly wasn't willing to let it go of that dollar worth of money.

As I was cutting the cello-tape I wanted to use, I thought about who'd be at a loss if I were to not tape the money and just dispose it. Someone else may pick it up, tape it and spend it. That is a plus for them and a minus for me. Besides, it is the job of the government to destroy damaged notes and replace them by printing new ones. So, I caught myself weighing whether I fix damaged things or just replace them. The truth is that; it depends largely on what the thing is or how damaged it is. Let me talk about them in two headings:


I think it honestly depends on what the thing is. I am an avid lover of technological gadgets and when it comes to gadgets, I really do not like repairing them. I can say in my many years of using a phone, I have only had to repair my phone once and that was because it was an emergency. I almost always just buy a new one to replace the old one. This is majorly because I often feel that repairing it once is the beginning of many more repairs.

Aside from gadgets, I think the decision to either fix or repair something that is damaged depends on several factors such as:

  • is it repairable?

  • is repairing it more economical than buying a new one?

  • has it served its money worth? among other things.

Repairing things are almost always cheaper than replacing. That is often why people choose to repair instead, to save cost and not go out of their budgets.


Relationships are an essential part of human existence and being human. From the moment one is born, you immediately start sharing a relationship with someone. Oftentimes, these relationships we share often encounter their own struggles and it is not uncommon when these struggles strain such relationships and leave a damage. People in all their differences and similarities handle or deal with such strains differently.

The offended may perhaps decide to cut ties and end the relationship. Some others may decide to give the relationship another shot and try to fix the relationship. Of course it depends on how much damage had been done to the relationship.

A bitter truth I have come to have a taste of recently is that no one is indispensable, and even though people are usually more willing to mend relationships because of the emotional attachment they might have developed for the other person, it doesn't mean the person is indispensable. Life can on irrespective of the loss one experience, unless it is one's life of course. Relationships can be broken beyond repair, and in this case people can move on and perhaps replace the other person, especially in romantic relationships.

I have seen people replace romantic partners despite all the "I can't live without you", "You are the air I breathe" among other sweet nothings. Fixers in romantic relationships are often called keepers.

At this point, I am already half asleep and trying to stay sharp by focusing on the sound of rain and the smell of freshness too.

Would like to hear from my readers, are you a fixer or you just replace?

Thank You For Reading 🖤🖤

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Written by
2 years ago


Between this two I would consider my self as a replacer. When it comes to my stuff I don't like wasting my money to fix it, well I can also say that it's also depends with the stuff, if its totally valuable then I might consider fixing but if it's just a normal things, I came to replace rather than wasting my money on fixing it over and over again. However when it comes to my relationship, I am a kind of a person who don't usually gives second chance. If I am important person to that person he/she would never do such things that may ruins my trust to her/him, and so if he done something that cut my line, then second chance doesn't exist for me. You did it, means you want it, then let me go. 😁. So I am a total replacer. I wasn't sure if I am bad with that behaviour or I am just normal as others 😁.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I wouldn't say it is a bad behaviour as long as you don't do things to others that needs second chances from them too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am most of the time in fixer section. But sometimes I change my decision.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It is better to replace sometimes.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I guess I'll be in the fixer section. Because choosing to get efficiency until the last moment will be less burdensome than starting all over again.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's another way to look at it. It can be more tedious starting over

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yuppp!! I am a fixer I believe that we shouldn't let the common things end up our relationships . I always believe in sorting out problems by mutual discussion. Replacing the things and person isn't perfect option all the time

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I agree with you on that. Communication is important.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am a fixer when it comes to things and relationships. Whenever something got ruined in my stuffs, I also look for something that will fix it. Also, in terms of relationships, I always try my best to get things okay too. No to replacements.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

A fixer is what you are then.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think I am more of a fixer than a replacer relationship wise. But of gadgets and things, I prefer to replace them.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I suppose we are birds of the same feathers

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have to agree with TheGuy. It depends on what needs to be repaired. In general, as long as we can fix things and make it work, then it's fine. Nowadays, because of overproduction, resources are dwindling. Manufacturers are promotion consumption which is not good and not helpful for us because it only creates wastes.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's true what you say, as long as it can be fixed, why not?

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Both, depends on the type of damage, heh-e!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I agree with that

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm a fixer in both things and relationship. When it comes to things, when I see that I can still be able to repair it, I will repair to avoid too much expense. Talking about relationship, if there are still a chance that we can fix our relationship, it's either romantic or not, I will try to fix it especially that we have spent many years being together.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's a good thing, for things you save cost, for relationships you save hurt.

$ 0.00
2 years ago