Stay away from someone, who only respect RICH people.

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3 years ago

What will you don if you knew someone who only respect rich people? Will you be friends with them? If yes, why? And if not, why?

I have known someone who only respect rich people or those professional person. They will show respect to them and they almost like to praise them like they're God. They follow what rich people told them even if they look like slave to them. Some of my relatives were like that. They were so proud having a friend who is rich. They like to hang out with them. In short, they were like a leech, lurking to rich people. The funny thing is that, they looked like slaves. Yes they were given money from their friends but if you look deeper and understand the situation, they were being used by those professional. But, they can't see it because they're blinded with the money.

I didn't say that they should not be friends with rich people, what I want to say is that, they should give importance to themselves. That they should not act like a stray dog ready to pound. There are still lots of RICH people who are kind to everyone and to the poor but we know that there are also lots of them who used lower level people like us. Being a poor one, we should know who we friend for. Some poor people will do their best to have friends with rich people thinking they will benefit from them. But they will disregard those people who are with same level as theirs. Like, they will criticized other poor people because they felt they're already high for having a rich friend.

Some people will just respect rich because they want to feel how to belong with their group. Having an outing and to have parties which in fact, they're struggling to have. I'm saying that if you respect rich people, you should also respect poor people. You should know how to respect everyone, it may poor or rich. You should not just respect those person who you think will give you benefit such money. Yes, we should know how to admire them for having that status, it's because of their hard work. If you respect them, respect also those poor people who have fone their best yet not able to change their status to be rich. Because not all who have done their best get the chance to be rich. Same as farmers. Farmers in our country are poor right? They've done so much just to have something to eat. They're the reason why we have something to eat yet they received criticism from others for being poor. They were not respected and some also looked at them like a trash for being dirty. I've known someone so I am saying this. It's just so painful to see someone being dumped for being poor and disrespected by others who were also not rich.

This kind of person loves only the money. The benefits they get from rich people. But once they will not get from them even a single cents, they will also disrespect them. It only means that they love the money and not the person. If you don't have anything, you will not be respected but if you have money, they will love and worship you. As much as possible, stay away with this kind of people. We should respect everyone equally.

There were also lots of professional who look down with other people especially those who don't have degree. I am not saying all but some. Some professional look at themselves so high because they have degree and forgot how to be human. They sometimes disrespect others. It's so shameful knowing some people like that. That is why when I graduated at college my parents always taught me to always put my foot in the ground and respect everyone, may poor or rich.

If you want to be respected too, respect everyone and not only those who have lots of money. Respect those people who knows how to respect. Money can be earned but true friend is hard to find. Respect should be earned too, same as money but respect last long than money.

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3 years ago


I'd rather not to know them, but in all honesty we cant blame them for being real for themselves, we have differences and i guess they choose that.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You're right. They chose to be like that even they know that they're wrong or maybe they don't because they just look for benefits and not the consequences. .

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Actually, I dont understand what runs in their mind when these people disrespects someone not richer than them. I think it also boils down on how they were brought up.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Maybe. I also don't understand why there are people like them. Anyway, those kind of people somehow will not be a successful one in the future cause they'll rely on someone which they knew they'll benefit.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I agree with the title. Stay away from someone who only respect RICH people As you've said they only care about money. I don't want to be friends with those kinds of people. They don't want friendship, they just want money. I hate it. Aside from that, we are all equal. We must respect everyone regardless of their status in life.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You're right sis. Those kind of people will never be respected too. Cause respect begets respect.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I have this one friend before who only gain friends because she always treat them with foods. It came to the point that, that my friend of mine, even wants to borrow money from me because she doesn't have enough money to treat her so-called friends. That hurts so much. Fortunately, their not her friends anymore. And that friend of mine finally find someone who will accept everything about her. :)

$ 0.02
3 years ago

That's so sad. It really means that many people will just treat you well if you have something to give, but if you don't, they will throw you like a potato or just look at you like a trash. Shame to them.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

exactly... there are still a lot of them today

$ 0.00
3 years ago

And I know, you're one of them. A true friend who cherish the person and not the money. ☺️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I just believe that memories are lot better than the value of money

$ 0.00
3 years ago

True sis. ☺️ We can always have money. But the memories will stay always in the heart though it passed

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Money will be forgotten, but memories won't

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good to know that she's already with those people that accepts everything about her. :) Sorry to reply here. Just happened to read your comment. :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's my pleasure to have you replied in my comment. :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago