Aiah's Day 04-24-2021

Avatar for Aiah_05
3 years ago

Hello guys. I just want to share what happened for today and how blessed I am. Since I don't have something to write so please understands me. Lol.

Anyway, this morning I was so happy when my sister calls me. She said thank you for the cake I ordered for her daughter. She thanked me for the little amount of money I gave her for her daughter's birthday. My niece asked me a favor if I can buy her a cake for her birthday. I can say no to the baby so I said yes but don't know where to find the money.

Thankfully that I was given by the robot on my first article and also in noise. I was able to save some money for the sponsorship for my niece. Char! Actually for the cake and spaghetti only. My sister sends me the picture of my niece on my messenger.

She only has a little food to celebrate. It's okay, the more important is that she's healthy. Someday, I will be able to give her more than that when I have work. For now, since I am unemployed, J can only give her a little.

So happy to see my niece smiling while looking at the cake. It is the first time that I gave her something on her birthday. And I can't explain what I feel.

I admit that I and my sister was not in a good relationship since she had a relationship with the father of my niece. She was once a black sheep of the family. She chose the guy over her family. I saw how my parents were devastated and almost our family got broken.

At first, I can't accept my sister especially when she got home while she's pregnant. She said the guy will not take responsibility. I was in a rage at the fact that I did not go home and just stayed at my boarding house. I am a college student at that time. I cannot accept her apology though our parents told me that she's been depressed and that she wants us to reconcile. But I can't forget what she did to our family especially to me. They did not respect me together with his ex-boyfriend. I told myself I will not accept her and the baby.


But during Christmas 2017, I went home. Together with my boyfriend. I just came from my boarding house. I did not go home for 5 months because I don't want to see her. It was Christmas, Dec. 25. I celebrated Dec.24 in my boyfriend's house together with his family at that time. I saw my sister at the door, sitting on the chair. I just passed as if I didn't see her. I saw her big tummy. I went to the kitchen where my mother and father talking while eating. They were surprised because they thought I will not go home. I kissed them on the cheek and greeted them with Merry Christmas.

They said if I had seen my sister outside and I said yes. They said that I should talk to my sister because it's Christmas. I am the eldest, so I should be the one to talk to her, that was what they said. I am hesitant and said that she should be the one to talk to me.

My ninang went to our house and hug me. She said that I should go to their house where my sister went off. She was crying there. My ninang said I should talk to her, they're afraid that something might happen to the baby because she's been crying since the day I got mad at her.

When I went to ninang's house, I saw her there crying. Not moving on the couch. I walked towards her. She stood up and was about to kneel in front of me. I pulled her arms and said don't kneel to me because I am not a saint. I just hugged her and cried. I felt pity for her. She's repeating herself saying "Sorry Ate, I am sorry." I said her to hush and it's okay. I felt numb and can't breathe at that time. Maybe because of pain. I was about to collapse but someone got me. I saw my boyfriend and said thanks before I saw anything. I know, I am always like that if I am mad and in pain. When I woke up, I saw my parent's worried faces and I said I'm okay to give assurance to them.

After that incident, we're back to normal with my sister. She made it up to. Her daughter was with my parents and they are the ones who took care of my niece. My sister now is pregnant for her second baby with her husband. I don't know where is his ex-boyfriend who made our life in trouble last year 2016. Now, we are in a good relationship with my siblings.

Today is a blessing to me because I can make my family smile in my little way. I can give a little amount for our needs. Thanks to read. cash and noisecash.

I am also happy because I was given a free trip to share with other users. It only means that I can earn more too with those tips. Hope it will long last because it's a big help.

So, that's what my day today. I am just doing noise. cash and now I writing this in reading. cash. Hoping that the robot will see this.

$ 6.66
$ 5.61 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 1.00 from @Tenj
$ 0.05 from @heartbeat1515
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3 years ago
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