Understanding and chances

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2 years ago

🎶Its Christmas, all over the world....🎶

I know that most of us are excited for Christmas, there are some reunions, family vacations and others are spending it with thier family, and right now they are happy with chitchats and preparation, but we all know, there are some who are in darkness during the Christmas season and there are families with some issues about each other this Christmas season, but of course I am still wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.

There are saying/belief that in every family there are somewhat so called blacksheep or pinakamatigas ang ulo, pasaway. But sometimes those kind of people only wants some wild understanding from the family, sometimes they want to open up some problems and need our all ears to listen to them before judging them. Like these scenario: (maritess lng ang peg)

The youngest daughter of my neighbor runaway with her kids the other day, she told her partner that they will for a swim in thier cousins residence, so asusual she brings some important and personal things with them.

Then afternoon came still they did not came back so the sister chatted their cousins and ask if her siblings and nieces are with them, but they declined and saying nobody came , so they chatted her and try to call her but its unattended. Until the night came and the next day came, no one got home.

So the older sister posted the family picture and telling if someone sees them, please inform them, then she is posting some bad words too. Then the youngest reply the post and telling that they were fine,and they start fighting at the social media..as in nagmumurahan sila.

When I read the comments of the youngest, it was stated that she want her family to listen with her, but they did not do, they always depending the part of her partner, it always turns out that she was wrong, even she was starting to open up her problem, they immediately judge/tell her that it was her fault. Thats why she did running out with the family and bring her kids. Up to now they did not return home but she said they were fine.

Upon reading thier convo, it turns out to me that on the other hand maybe she has something in her heart that makes it broken and no one is listening with her,that her family members are always looking with what other say, and the shame with the family, but not considering the pain that she is going through, so the realization here is learn to listen first before judge them, maybe they have fault but they are in miserable too.

And another scenario is with my own family.

I have my brother who is indebted with so many people right now, and he can't even give a single penny for my mom even during his salary, the 13th month and bonus was already spent but he was lying, until I talked to him seriously.

He confess with me that yes all his money and salaries are gone and, I ask him if he's into gambling, he did not answer niether yes nor no, so I already understand, and people are keeping aaking My mom about when to pay or how to pay, and my mom is keep chatting me, to ask him. Even am not the oldest in the family, it seems am the one who stands for it.

My mom always tell me the problems there, but she did not know I have my problems too. I never open my problem with her or even with my siblings, I dont want them to worry with me, it feels good for me that they thought am fine, tho sometimes am almost giving up, thats why sometimes you'll see my article about my own rants and ny own problems and with my family.

Lets go back to the topic, so I chatted my brother and ask about whats happening with him, and He told me that it was his fault and very shy with our mom and my brother who is supporting them financially, and I feel his sincerity, even I dont see his face, so I give him some pieces of advice and he promised me that he will correct his life and it will not happened again.

So inorder to help him with some of his debt, I told him that am gonna send him money and pay one of the people he was indebted, but he needs to pay me becore new year, coz it was my budget for new year, even only half of it, and he agreed with me.

So today I sent the amount of ₱4000($80) money to my mom so she will be the one who will give the money for assurance that it will be pay, but I keep reminding him to pay even half and the other half is the next payday.

Am sharing this not to brag or built my character, but the reason why am sharing this its because, sometimes we all need to talk privately our family issues and lets give the wildest understanding for our family member,coz whatever happened they were or we are family and we all need each others to support each other. But we must give them lessons too when we want to helped them so they will realize that they are really wrong and need to change for the better and we must start guiding them little by little.

This is for today, I hope you learned something from my article. I was out this afternoon with some errands thats why am publishing it late. But me and Adrielle had a great day today and am gonna share it tomorrow. So see you all around.

Thank you for reading and God Bless !

To my sponsors(old and New) thank you for believing and continous support.❤️

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Avatar for Adrielle1214
2 years ago


Gnyan tlga sis may kakaiba sa mgkakapatid. Sa amin din mero pero di ko kaya e kwnto ksi naiiyak ako na naiinis. Sana magbago na bro mo ng di nmn kayo mgsawang tumulong sa knya. Merry Christmad sis😉.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sana nga matutu na si brother mo sis, kasi mahirap nga yan na marami siyang pinag uutangan and Tama yung ginawa mo yung pagsabihan siya kasi minsan kailangan natin ng isang taong magtatama sa mali natin.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes sis, dapat sa isang family meron isang marunong umunawa at makinig

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Siguro if ever na diko magustuhan lagay sa bahay magrurunaway ako HAHAHAH cjars ganda q masyado para gawin eonnHAHAHAHAAH

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Haha, minsan nga need din natin lumayo para marealize natin if sino may mali

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I can't make sense of anything these days and I'm out of luck. This situation makes me nervous.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Maybe you just need to be active here to get notice by everyone, never lose hope, you can make it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

God bless you my sister Happy birthday

$ 0.01
2 years ago

God bless you too, its not my birthday dear

$ 0.00
2 years ago

God bless you, sis!Merry Christmas!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

God bless you more sis, Merry merry christmas pati kay bebe bukas wait mo article ko:)

$ 0.00
2 years ago