Headache, Mefenamic, Death

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Avatar for Adrielle1214
2 years ago

Good day to all! Just want to remind everyone that please always take care of ourself especially our health, now that we are facing the pandemics. May Almighty God always bestow His grace upon us and keep us away from any danger.

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We girls especially if you are working that before the Christmas holidays and christmas parties begun, we go to parlor and let our hair be treated, whatever treatment it is, from curly hair to straight and vice versa, and yes I'm one of those girls who yearly go to parlor for the hair treatment, its a treat for myself for a year of working, and I think we owe that right, pampering ourself.

My partner at work Janeth is also did the same thing, she go to parlor and let her hair be straigthen, there it goes, after the christmas holidays, her head starts aching, so she just ask some medicine from the clinic and they give her mefenamic acid as pain reliever, then after drinking it went well, then the next coming days, weeks still she is suffering the headache then she just drink the same pain reliever. Until one day her parents, call my leader that Janeth can't report to work because of the headache is not tolerable anymore, and they will bring Janeth to doctor for check up, so my leader said, ok and please bring some medical records if she will report to work.

Then the next day, we heard the news that Janeth is comatose, so we starts to get worry and keep asking each other of what happened, and yet no one can answer us, then the next day we heard that she was dead already, after hearing that we all cry, but life and works must go on. Since Janeth is my partner, so it was so hard for me to do my job, but I'm trying my best to stay strong, and to share with you all, after Janeths death no one is staying at her position, they are all afraid that maybe Janeth is just around and maybe play trick with them, but Me I never felt that, I never get afraid of Janeth, and I am happy if ever she will be at my side, and I have some questions to ask from her.

Then during the burial we all went to thier house to pay tribute to Janeth, then we had a talk with her family. They said that when they were about to bring Janeth to doctor for check-up, Janeth collapsed and when the doctor look after her they declared it immediately comatose, and her body is so weak that only the machines are keeping her alive. So the doctors talk to them privately that its thier decision if they want to remove the instrument in Janeth body to let it rest or they will still fight for her, eventhough her body is not fighting anymore. Then after a family talk and talk with Janeth they saw a tears falling, so they decided to pull out the instrument on her body and let Janeth rest in Gods paradise. After I heard the story, I cry silently and talk to her grave, and wish her forever happiness. My leader introduce me to Janeths parents and they said I'm her partner at work, and they smiled at me, even I know how painful it is for them to smile, because I myself feel the pain so much.

Sorry for being so emotional with my article today, I myself still crying while writing this article, maybe because I still miss her, but I know she is happy with God now, and she is watching over me and her family.

Closing Thoughts

Whenever we feel pain on our body and its keep coming back from time to time, we should try to consult the doctor and we should not depend on the pain reliever, it has a big side effect tonour body especially if its not prescribed by the doctor. After that incident happened with Janeth the company clinic did not immediately give mefenamic to everyone who experiences pain.,they become more vigilant.

Now I will ask you, do you think the hair treatment affects the headache Janeth experienced, because its just started after she have hair treatment, and only months left she passed away.

Life is really unpredictable, so we better take care of ourself before its too late.

Thanks to all who keep reading, upvoting, and leaving comments with my articles, without you guys I will not be as eager to make more articles everyday, so I hope you will not get tired with what you are doing, as I'm trying my best to the same.

God Bless Us All !

🌹Annie Marie


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Avatar for Adrielle1214
2 years ago


Nakakalungkot nman po.. dpako nakaranas niyan talaga sigurong sobrang sakit non. Pero yung mefenamic talaga ay bad sa health sabi ng bestfriend ko tinatamaan niyan ay ung kidney mo kaya d rin ako masyado nainom ng mefenamic kung d masyado kilangan.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kami pa naman d2 sissy panadol/pain killer lang ang karamay araw araw

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Naku sis wag sanayin kasi magiging dependent ang katawan mo sa gamot

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tama ka jan sissy

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ang sad naman nyan. Prayers to the family and to you as well.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes po kahit nga ako habang nagsusulat nafeel ko pa din ung pain.

Thank you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

May her soul rest in peace. Ako, never pa ako nakatry na magpasalon sis. My brother na nagtatrabaho sa David salon, ayaw niya na magparebond ako. Mas maganda pa din daw ang natural hair.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes sis, pero every year naman namin ginagawa dati yun, that time lng sumakit ang ulo nya:)


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Baka dahil na yun sa mga chemicals sis. Wala kasi akong alam sa mga ganyan eh.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well one can't really know. It isn't the first time she had a hair treatment is it? Things just happen. May Janet's soul rest in peace.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes yearly we are doing it


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ahhhhh ako di paako nakaranas nito. Pero pag may menstruation ako, yan ako need ng pain killer

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Ako never umiinom ng mefenamic kaapg masakit puson ko kasi ayaw kong masanay katawan ko

$ 0.00
2 years ago