Exploring the SmartBCH world

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Avatar for Adrielle1214
2 years ago

February 3, 2022 15:30pm

A blessed thursday readerist. We woke up by a heavy rain and because of that we get up in bed very late haha, around 8am when we get up and we have pandesal for breakfast and we have some egggs, so I decided to cook 1 egg for Adrielle and 3pcs hotdog for our breakfast. Adrielle was so happy co its her favorite.

Our late breakfast

After breakfast, I immediately start my household chores, coz if I will go with the weather nothing will gonna happen. I fix all the toys of Adrielle coz its everywhere, her study table looks like a garbage area because of her toys, then start preparing for our lunch, coz we have nothing to do since its raining. I just prepared chicken adobo for lunch as per request of my partner, 10:30am am done with the food for our lunch and I took Adrielle to shower and start my laundry right away, I dont care if its raining, coz I am after with my our piled up laundry, I am very determined to do it today, and I succeeded hihi.

Enough with those stories lets jump into my main topic which is entering into the world of SmartBch, so let me start now chaaraann...

Everytime I heard / read articles about SmartBCH journey of others especially those who are just new to these community I got envious, why? Because they adopt immediately the SmartBCH world but me, oh my! I keep on planning to dive in but my poor brain is not absorbing every details that I am reading. I remember my friend(co-worker) when I was in taiwan, I dont know if she is serious into palm reading or just kidding, but what she said really sinked into my brain until now, this is what she told me while reading my palm "Tweet(me), matalino ka dati(you are a smart girl before)"after hearing that I laughed so loud and told her nawawala pala ang katalinuhan hihi, but seriously those words was retain in my mind, and everytime I am reading some important things and can't fully understand it, I will remember those words from ny old friend hehe, cguro totoo nga nastock up na ung brains ko while working for 16years as factory worker hehe.

Lets get back to my topic, since I was really curious with SmartBCH world and want to try it too, but I was still contemplating myself for the right time to enter the smartBCH, then last night while reading some articles, I notice the article of @BCH_LOVERcreating metamask account, setting up SmartBCH wallet, funding your wallet and buying tokens. Then I read it and wow its was really detailed plus with the photo attach with it kumbaga sa pagkain ngunguyain mo na lng haha, then after reading that I finally decided to do it.

Then today, after all my chores and while Adrielle is sleeping, I start applying what I read lastnight from creating my Metamask wallet, since I already installed metamask before, so what I did today is setting up my SmartBCH wallet and funding it, and finally I was succeeded.

Now, that I have my fund with my wallet, soon I will start buying some tokens too, and maybe used some of the free tokens I have before, then do farming and staking. But ofcourse I need to know when was the right time to buy tokens stake and farm.

Now my fear of being a noob in this world is little by little perishing, I know crypto world is not an easy thing but atleast I must say that I try, if I lose its ok because this is part of the game, just like our life we are not always a winner, and those losses maybe a stepping stone to a bigger opportunity in crypto world.


All credit to all the pioneers of read.cash community because without your knowledge and initiative of sharing your experiences we are noob in to this world.


That will be all for today, my experience in buying tokens,staking and farming maybe out soon for the next articles, coz I will still need to study and learn the details of it.

To all my sponsors, thank you so much for staying on my blocks, your support means alot to me.💚💚💚

$ 0.72
$ 0.50 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @ARTicLEE
$ 0.03 from @gertu13
+ 3
Sponsors of Adrielle1214
Avatar for Adrielle1214
2 years ago


Wow! Great job sis! Ako rin kaya pahirapan din ang brain cells intindihin haha! Anyway, ano ba twitter mo, dapat mat Twitter and Telegram ka para di mahuli sa mga airdrops...Congrats!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Meron po kaso ndi din masyado active sa airdrops lalo at madalas alanganing oras hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Halaaa. Isa din talaga 'to sa mga gusto kong pasukin eh, pero ewan ko din ba. Like you, Ate parang ang bagal ng response ng utak ko about dito. Haha~ pero may mga wallets naman na me, wala nga lang laman. 😅 May mga airdrops pa naman hano?

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Kya nga bhe parang need mo sya tutukan para magets mo ung kalakaran ni smartBch

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Di ko pa kasi s'ya gaanong matutukan now, Ate at start na naman ng sem tapos nanjan pa si thesis. Siguro I need to practice and improve pa si time-management skill ko para mag-fit silang lahat.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sabagay, ako nga stop na uli haha, pero try ko tlga yan para madagdagan naman knowledge ko kahit konti

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Same, Ateee. Mas maganda din kasi na mas marami tayong matutunan para mas maraming options na pagkaka-kitaan ba.

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ganyan talaga sis pag umpisa, nakakatakot pero actually pag naumpisahan mo na madali na siya,hindi kna malilito.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Sana nga sis haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congrats! I hope your journey will be as fruitful as the others.

Sarap nung food!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Haha, thanks po kahit ndinok lng atleast nakapag-explore at nadagdadagan ng konting kaalaman

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I would highly suggest you to stake on blonkg website. Before that buy a bunch of LAW token

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Oh thank you, I will try that

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow, good luck sa SmartBCH journey mo sis. Staking na ang next niyan. May milk ka sis? Maganda mag staking ng milk sa cowswap.cash ngayon kasi malaki yung APR or yung annual percentage niya

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Dahil yan sayo sis, ndi pa ako nagbuy ng token sis, ay wla akong milk sis, ARG, BIOGESIC KITTENS CANDY, yan pa lng yta ung tokens ko na may laman

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hold mo lang yan sis, soon tataas yung mga prices niyan. Yung mga pwede e stake na mga tokens ang bilhin mo sa susunod

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ndi pa ako nagbuy sis yan ay mga nakuha ko ng free

$ 0.00
2 years ago