Does our religion will save us?

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2 years ago

The content of this article is purely my thoughts and my neighbor, no intended of insulting anyones religion, as I respect yours. Sorry if I hurt you with this article its not my intentions.

March 27, 2022 5:24am

Blessed Sunday everyone!

I woke up early today, as I need to prepared somethings for the swimming but I a bit lazy to get up so I start writing my article first coz I know later I will be busybee.

Yesterday afternoon, my neighbors who are in other religion, headed to thier church and I was on the terrace and enjoying the hot weather, when one of ny neighbor who is a crazy woman(as it no dull moments with her)came and ask me,

where are the people there?

They go to church,

Again? Why they are so religious? Do you think it save them?

I just smile. Then we had a serious and fun talks.

Bakit nga kaya lagi silang nasa simbahan nila ano, minsan parang nakakapagod din kaya, andami nilang ganap do you think they will saved? Minsan ung super pagod na sila sa daming gawain sa schools, bahay then they are required to attend some activities at church and even smmetimes we can observe na paramg napipilitan na lng din ung iba like the kids of new generations.

Ako personally(my crazy neighbor), ndi ko kaya ung ginagawa nila, am contented praying on our house, in the toilet(🤣) basta alam ni God and hiling ko. I can't be with them and also some restrictions bout sa food, what if gustong gusto ko un then my religion ndi pede so ndi ako makakain ay naku ayaw ko ng bawal bawal. Sana talaga in time the judgement day will come is masave sila kasi ako alam ko na san ang punta ko at masamang damo ako(🤣)and if I saw one of them there, I will kick them out dahil lagi silang nasa church nila taz ndi sila naligtas aba ndi sila welcome dun, (ako tawa ng tawa sa kwentuhan namin.


Personally my thoughts on this is the same, is our religion will save us? Lagi ka nga naman nsa sumbahan pero at the back of your mind naman you always spitting bad words with others, and you are not helping others then you are the Maritess in town, do you think you will be saved.

I think no religion will saved us, its our faith and actions with God who will save us. Faith which praying fervently even in any places we are not only in the church, then actions is doing act of kindness with everyone and with your whole heart,not because it is needed but because you love to do it from the bottom of your heart and never expecting in returns.

In this act of kindness and faith we shown and spread to human race, I know it will save us during the judgement day. So no matter what religion we belong it doesn't mean that you will be saved(as your teachings are like that). We will be saved by our faith and actions and thats what I believed.

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2 years ago


Yes no religion will saved us sis,but as a Christian,we go to church every Sunday to listen Gods word and praise his name as a church,we are not tired of it ,because it's our life and our greatest purpose of existence is to served God with the church where we belong .It's like saving treasures in heaven ,one day,when I die,if God will ask me of what I did on earth for him,at least I have something to say,that I'm serving him on Sunday,thank you.I respect your opinion on worshipping at your home.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks sis, I do worship Him in the Church but not often especially when the pandemic strikes coz I have my baby with me

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Grabe mkalait sa self..masamang damo 😂.. We all are not perfect..but being religious isn't the only way to show strong to faith to Him..some are known to be religious but behind the church, they are literally doing things against the law of God, lol.. Just believe in Him and do the right thing. That's what matters most.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes po madam very true ka dun😀

ung neighbor ko un haha, grabe kasi tlga sya magsalita kahit sino kaharap nya kapag gusto nya magmura tlgang sasabhn nya🤣.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's good to be good. But it is much better to be good and at the same time serving the Lord. For me, religion can't save us but only in the church Jesus Christ built we can saved through good deeds and strong personal relationship with God.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Amen to that

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Faith in God and knowing him in our life is a big impact with Him. Godbless!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

True sis

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True. It's our faith in God that will save us. Having faith in God means only that we follow His teachings like Doing good to others, loving one another, praising Him, etc. It's not because of religion, the stronger our faith in God, the closer we are to Him. We just have to respect each other 's beliefs after all that doesn't save us all.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes thats the point, never criticize others belief

$ 0.00
2 years ago

that's how faith really exist, we don't know if it is timely coincidental or merely lucky but I believe in my faith. that faith gave us direction to be good and be an inspiration to others because there is always above all things.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Indeed my friend

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agree friend when I started carrying out my duties as a church servant as a youth I also received questions like this. Your faith will save you, so actually good attitudes and deeds and according to God's will will save us. Religion is only a vessel for us to determine who our savior is. because faith without works is essentially dead.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you for that explanation

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Faith and works go along together

$ 0.01
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Faith and trust talaga sis pero sa religion, yes it's good to have our religions and belief but we are not certain that it will saved us. Kahit akonaminado na hindi ako religious person but the important is I believed in God and I pray and talk to him.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes sis, tama ka dun kahit pa everyday nsa church ka then backfighter ka naman diba nonsense😀

$ 0.00
2 years ago