Blissful Saturday

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Avatar for Adrielle1214
1 year ago

October 24, 2022

Howdy readtizen, sorry for being not so active for 2days(weekends), because of the activities we have attended, and here I am gonna share with you what happened during those weekend inactivity of mine.

Saturday morning, my alarm snooze at 4am, but I was already awake around 3:30am and pray my rosary while waiting for my alarm, then when the alarm snooze, and am done with my rosary, I check my online hustling first coz for sure I will be a busy bee after. I spend about 30minutes, posting and reading the post of others and replying some comments.

4:30am I get up, start to cook and boil hot water so I can prepare my coffee and lil girls milk. 5am I take a bath then the lil girl also and I start fixing her hair amd put a little make up on her face and wear her gown and I prepare myself too.

About 6:30am we are done and just waiting for my friend to come and we will go to church, my partners brother who have a car offer us a rife going to church and we just pay him for the gasoline(nakakahiya din naman).

The entourage tarts at exactly 8am, and its not that solemn because some of the wedding sponsors are late and also alot of babies that are included in the entourage, so it was like a chaos, some baby are crying like Adrielles partner he keeps crying even his mom is with him, and then the mass starts, the priest who initiated is quite serious, unlike the wedding that we had before that the priest is throwing some jokes with the couple.

The ceremony ends excatly 9am, then about 30-45 minutes picture taking at the church, and we went to the reception area, about 20-30minutes travel from the church to the reception area, then we got there, the food in each table were serve and we got our table since the kids are sponsors, just a little entourage from the sponsors and the newly wed couple and then we pray and they let everyone enjoy the food.

After we ate, and sumabit sa couple we went out to breath some air outside and to change the clothes of the kids and there they ate Ice cream and after how many minutes we went home since there are aloy of people inside and coming.

We got home before 12noon, and I lay my body in bed, but the lil girl starts playing and I let her, then after 30minutes she lay beside me and when I saw her, she is sleeping soundly, she is too tired also and she wakes up around 3pm.

Then, since its also my partner youngest sisters birthday and they prepared lunch or everyone, so even I dont want to go coz I feel tired and Adrielle too, but I still go because I dont want to hear anything even its a joke.

Around 4pm when I ask his niece to pick us here because we dont have a car to ride on. Then when we got there, the kids are having a pool party, but Adrielle never insist to join them maybe because of her tiredness and she just wakes up also.

The food is too much also since the invited guest(co-teachers did not come) only 2teachers came with thier kids. So I eat alot again, this time its more of chicken and snacks like puto, kutchinta, spaghetti.

The lil girl ates rice and chicken, she munch two fried chicken and buko pandan, and then she did play with her cousin after getting full.

My partner came after his work and there they had thier bonding also while drinking liqour while me and my partner sister we just having a chitchat and Adrielle is playing.

As you can see I am close with all of his siblings, I can join them even my partner is not around, because before we been into relationship I am family friends already kaya I dont feel ilang/intimitated with everyone, even the nieces and nephews treat me as a friend, they knew me even they were still young kaya ngaun parang friend/ate nila ako, mas ilang pa nga sila kay partner kesa sa akin, thats my advantage kesa dun sa ibang asawa ng mga tito nila.

Around 7pm when the brothers are drunk and they start making jokes, pahula and plans for the coming debut of thier niece next year. One of them promise 3 sack of ice(as in yelo kaya tawanan) and 3 fundador wlang tenga, then my partner who is drunk also promise to share 2k and I second the motion(2 KASONG na saging)and everyone laughs..but in the end Adrielle wins because she wants to go home kaya no choice si partner but to go home hihi.

But All in all it was a tiring yet blissful saturday.

$ 0.65
$ 0.46 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.05 from @ARTicLEE
+ 3
Sponsors of Adrielle1214
Avatar for Adrielle1214
1 year ago


Woah. Tagal ko na di nakakatikim ng kakanin

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Bili sa palengke

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ang sarap ng handa sis,lalo na yung mga kakanin favorite ko yung kutsinta

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hehe, ako puto masarap ung puto nya kasi bigas

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Wow you had a very busy day. While looking at those covered foods I kept thinking they need to be uncovered and devoured 😋 😂 Long day but you had lots of fun.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Haha, the flies might enjoy it thats why need to cover

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I wish them a happy married life. Wedding is a beautiful people. It's a sweet thing to see two people join hands together. I am glad that you enjoyed the wedding. Have a great day

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thank you

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Sarap ng mga foods sis. Natakam ako, hehehe... Dami palang ganap sa inyong Sabado. Btw, nakyukyutan talaga ako kay Adrielle. Ang sarap panggigilan.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Oo sis busyness kami kaya wla akkg article taz natambakan na naman sa

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Daming celebrations last weekend ate hehe. Sarap po nung mga kakanin. Hahah wala po talagang makakapalag kapag babies na yung nag aya umuwi hahah

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Oo bhe kaya lagare kaming mag-ina, oo boss yan😀

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ang sarap ng kutsinta bhe, natakam ako. Kapag naumpisahan ang pag-abay or pagflower girl sa mga weddings sunod sunod na no? hehe . Hi pretty girl!

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Hehe nagkataon lng din cguro😀

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Congratulations to the newly wed! 🎉 Ang cute naman niya wearing that blue gown sis. Dalawa pala pinuntahan mo na celebration sis. Ang sarap ng foods. 🤤

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Oo sis, nakakahiya kasi bka sabhn ndi man lng sumilip

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hehe kaya nga sis kaya minsan pupunta talaga tayo.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oo nga

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Boss pala si Adrielle hehe. That sounds like a busy day, fun and fulfilling!

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yes sir kaya sya ang simasabhan ko na magyaya sa Tatay nya para walang tanggi🤣

$ 0.00
1 year ago