The fruit of greediness.

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Written by
2 years ago

"These mangoes look very freshy and tempting for appetite. Where did you plug them? Willson asked. " I plugged them from Mr. Andrew's mango tree which is located in his farm by his approval." Noah replied. "Why do you ask?", Noah questioned Willson. "I'm asking because these mangoes looks very attractive and are more than what your money coud afford to pay", Willson answered. Noah was older than Willson by the difference of two years and they were brothers from the same mother. They used to buy mangoes from Mr. Andrews in every mango season since his mangoes were juicy, attractive and more affordable than the other mango sellers.

Mango season was due and Willson thought that Noah has gone to buy mangoes from Mr. Andrews as they used to do in every mongo season but it was a different issue this time. Mr. Andrews didn't sell the mangoes to Noah but he allowed him to plug some of the mangoes from one of his mango trees in his farm in his own free will. "Now you and your brother are more than a customer to me so I thought it would be great to do you some favour. Go into my mango farm and plug any amount of mangoes you could but make sure you don't go there for the second time to plug another mangoes after the first time. Share the mangoes you would plug from my mango farm equally with your brother." "These were the words of Mr. Andrews when I went to his place to buy mangoes. I was very excited hearing these words from his mouth. I thanked him and went and plugged these mangoes. That's how I got these many mangoes." Noah explained to Willson.

Noah shared the mangoes equally with his brother, Willson. He even gave the best of mangoes to his brother. Though Willson got the same number of mangoes as his elder brother, Noah had after sharing and the best ones but he was still not satisfied with his share. Willson became very quiet suddenly after gotten his share of the mangoes. He started tapping his feet against the ground whiles he put his palm on his chin.

"Bro what's wrong and what are you up to this time? I Know you. Please don't plan to plug some mangoes from Mr. Andrews mango farm because he has warned us not to do that since he has offered some of his mangoes to us for free", Noah warned Willson. Noah has studied his brother so well and anytime Willson tapped his feet against the ground with his palm on his chin, then he was definitely up to something mischievous.

"Oh It's nothing, I'm just thinking about Mr. Andrews generosity," Willson replied. "Yes you are right bro, Mr. Andrews is too generous and we don't even know how to thank him. He is a good man." Noah added. Actually Willson was not thinking about Mr. Andrews generosity but rather planning to steal some mangoes from Mr. Andrews mango farm. Noah believed his brother would not go to Mr. Andrews mango farm to plug some mangoes, not knowing that his brother Willson mind was already made up to go there.

The next morning which was Tuesday, Willson went to Mr. Andrews mango farm in a hurried manner. His elder brother Noah was still asleep when he left home for Mr. Andrews mango farm. When Willson reached the mango farm he climbed the mango tree which was juicy and attractive. He decided to plug many mangoes as he could due to his greediness. As he kept on plugging the juicy mangoes he saw a big poisonous black cobra discending from the top of the mango tree to his direction.

For fear that he would be bitten by this poisonous snake he got down from the mango tree and took to his heels. As he was running away from the poisonous snake he accidentally fell into a bushy pit ahead of him which was hard to recognize due to its bushy state. Unfortunately, he fell on to a sharp branch of a tree in the pit which pierced through his stomach to his spine. He died instantly without having the opportunity to say a word.

It was getting dark in the evening and Willson was not back home yet. This got Noah and his mother very worried. Noah and his mother went to all the places Willson used to play but he was nowhere to be found. As Noah and his mother were thinking about Willson whereabout, a neighbour came and informed them that he saw Willson heading towards the direction of Mr. Andrews mango farm early in the morning when he was going to get some cassava from his farm. Noah, his mother and some of the neighbours around went to Mr. Andrews mango farm together to search for Willson.

When they reached Mr. Andrews mango farm, Willson footprint led them to the pit where he fell and died. They saw one his pair of slippers at the edge of the pit. This made them took a closer look in the pit and there he was, being pierced by one of the sharp branches of the trees in the pit. The pit was very deep and there was no way to get his dead body out from the branch. They have no option than to leave the dead body of Willson in the pit. Willson's brother and mother couldn't take it easy leaving him to rot on a tree branch and be eaten by vultures. They mourned bitterly as they headed to their various houses.


NOTE: This is purely fiction. It is my own work of creativity.

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$ 0.19
$ 0.10 from @AmazingWorld
$ 0.06 from @Mr_Trenzs
$ 0.03 from @Sensaii
Avatar for Achi7
Written by
2 years ago


That's what will gonna happen to greedy people, be happy contented on what you have. If you want more then go for a double hardwork and play fair. Greed is one the seven deadly sins

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Mango is kind of fruits

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Greediness indeed will lead us up to no good. We should all be thankful and content with what is given to us. That is the lesson I realized after reading your article. It's a nice story.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

oh my god. Truth be told, greediness will put us to danger. We must be satisfied with what we can have and not desire for more if it means being drag in danger.

$ 0.05
2 years ago