I learned how to ride a bike today!

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Hi! I just wanted to share my experience today.

I'm already twenty-one but is my first time practicing how to ride and handle a bike. I woke up early this morning to do my daily routine--mopping the floor and watering plants. After that, around 7:30 in the morning, I'm still enjoying my morning coffee, my neighbor Liam, which is my cousin came riding his bike. He was asking for some movies to watch so I let him borrow my laptop for him to look at my saved movies. While checking, he suddenly asked me about my plans today. I said nothing, maybe I'll just binge-watch this famous Netflix series Money Heist. I'm still on season 1 and I really wanted to be updated of the latest aired episode. "Lame" said Liam, "Let's just practice biking. I will assist you, you're too old but you still ask your brother to drive for you if you wanted to go to nearby store or what. Really lame." He added.

I felt so attacked! Hahaha, just kidding. I didn't answer and think for a while. Ever since we were kids I never tried practicing because I'm so afraid so fall or tumble down then break my bones. I know it would really hurt! It made me cringe thinking it might happen to me.

After few minutes, he stood up and said "I'll just grab my extra helmet, go change and I'll be right back."

I haven't agreed yet but I followed what he said. I fixed myself and wore a loose shirt and a trekking pants. I also wore knee and elbow pads which I used to wore during my volleyball practice.

We just practiced around our neighborhood. Since there's only few people around, we're still observing community quarantine that's why most of them just stay inside their homes and I think we are all used to it.

Liam explained to me the basics of riding bike like how to balance, how and when to use breaks, how to synchronize my body and how to control the direction.

"I can do it!" I took a deep breath after listening to his brief lecture. I wore the helmet, held the grips, prepared kicking the pedal and look straight to where I'm going, that's what Liam said.

Full of confidence, I kicked the pedal to move. It's so hard to control the direction, I can't move straight because I keep on going the other way and fall. I just laugh every time it happens. I shouted at Liam but he just said "You can do that don't be so silly! Use your long legs so that you won't fall idiot!"

I really wanted to cry because I kind of feel hopeless but I just continued practicing back and forth while Liam just sat at the corner, playing games in his phone and just checking on my current situation in every few minutes.

If I fell, I just get up and try again. I also apply what he's saying. Keeping my balance is the first thing, he said I don't need to hold the grip roughly. So I did it. Yippie, I'm so happy because for the first time I was able to move for like 3 to 5 meters without falling. I continued doing it and finally I did it! After almost four hours or rigorous practice, numbers of stumbling, and scrapes all over my arms, I finally made it!

After that, we went home. I was really happy jumping around and telling my parents and siblings that I already knew how to ride a bike! They congratulated me and prepared us snacks. It's really tiring but at the same time, thrilling.

My brother said I'm lucky because it only took me hours to learn, some practiced for like days or weeks and even months before making it. Well, I have a strong will maybe that's the reason why.

I will practice more tomorrow or until I master it, making sure I wear proper protective gears to avoid breaking my bones.

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This is really funny because I know someone.. he is in his 20's and want to learn how to ride a bicycle but he is too scared of falling down and getting injured... I have tried motivating him but he is too mind stuck on getting injured.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

hahaha yeah I was a bit nervous too but maybe it's just my gut saying iI can do it

$ 0.00
User's avatar Ace
4 years ago

Yeah I guess so too... I think I am going to challenge my friend so he feels eager to do it at all costs...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

It is wonderful to know you've just learned bicycling today. How many times did you fall down? Haaaaa!!!!!Lol!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

So proud of you! Keep it up buddy, you still have a lot to experience in terms of biking before being an expert but I believe it will only take some time because you are brave and bold! Wow. Continue to do what you want.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Congratulations! Finally you know how to ride a bike. It's good to practice driving any kind of vehicle because we don't know when we need those skills, when emergency occur we can easily go somewhere because we know how to drive.

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4 years ago

Greetings applies a lot to Venezuela where we do not have gasoline for cars and riding a viscicleta is a very good option

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4 years ago

Learning something new can be fun you know.

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4 years ago

It is really nice that you have shared your experience about learning bike. I also started to learn how to ride a cycle. But for this pandemic i had quit. Hope i will again start when things will be normal.

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4 years ago

u really try and u are a fast learner, I use like 3days bfr I can ride a bike.

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4 years ago

your article is very important for us. it is very essential. we should know that how to riding a bike.

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4 years ago

Wow this reminds me of when My dad bought me my first cycle and taught me how to ride it. Brings back som many memories

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4 years ago

how i wish i also had memories together with my father. he's long gone and haven't seen me ride a bike :( i really miss him

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User's avatar Ace
4 years ago

I am sorry brother. Good bless him and bless you too. We all have some memories of our parents. Lets cherish what we have

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4 years ago

thanks, i really appreciate it

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User's avatar Ace
4 years ago