Health is wealth
10:07 pm
Lead Image created by myself
Health is the main source of wealth because it provides the freedom to do what you want in life.
What is health? It's the condition of being sound in body, or a state enjoying good health. For years, winners were a series of photos demonstrating how ill people can be and how healthy their mindset made them feel.
Health is a wealth. We talk about it all the time and we don't realize the importance of it until we lose it.
We often associate wealth with money, but let's be honest, health is a much better state than being poor.
This is the same with life, when our health is good and everything is a flow, everything seems to work for us and we can be whatever we want to be and achieve anything. But, things get changed when we are not healthy, then everything gets derailed and we are in a different mode and we are not any more who we want to be.
Thus, health is wealth which has been proven by many people throughout history. If you look at successful people in the world, majority of them are healthy and they hold all the necessary ingredients including wealth.
There is no wealthy without health.
The reason why I am writing this post is to remind you that you should not only work to get rich or famous, but you should also try to be healthy and wealthy as well.
Health is wealth. Access to health related information is a right of every person and should be easily available for free.
There are many things that will affect your health in a negative way: stress, lack of sleep, negativity etc. The mind will always play a major role in any physical health condition that you have. Your mind will encourage or discourage your body from being healthy.
As humans our thoughts and feelings ultimately manifest themselves on our physical body. The cells and molecules of our bodies are made from the energy of thought. An invisible energy is what our universe is composed of and everything can be explained by vibrations and frequencies of energy which we can't physically see.
Health is a key factor in living a long and successful life. It's why so many people dedicate themselves to fitness, wellness and responsible living.
Being healthy can improve your life in so many ways. Not only are good physical health and a healthy lifestyle critical to a healthy, happy and successful life, but proven health benefits can actually save you money! .
Closing thought:
Health is wealth, yet it is not something one can easily acquire. More so in a society where sometimes the very tool that is supposed to keep us fit and healthy our body is the same vice which ends up taking our lives.
It has been scientifically proven that lack of good health does not only affect the individual, but it also affects the entire economy of any country. You can't be productive in life if you aren't healthy.
I get it, maintaining good health can be hard. It's not just enough to eat well and workout. Life is busy and there are a lot of things to attend to. I'm guilty of not exercising a few times a week but I always make sure I do it every day.
It's been proven that exercise is one of the best medicines to remain healthy. I'm not advocating that everyone should run for miles, but even a brisk walk on a daily basis helps.
Long story short, life is short and health is important, so start taking care of yourself now. Eat well, exercise well and live happily!
(If you don't, who will?)
We all have to take care of our body and we shouldn't stress our body too much due to us preventing not to fall sick... We never know how much our health mean to us until we are ill and after recovering we need to avoid stress