Venting out on a hot day

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1 year ago

Don't mind me. Just enjoy the weather outside.

It was too hot today. I think it may have been how it was the past few days but just that I did not feel it because I have been cooped up inside and when we went out, it was late in the afternoon and nighttime so it is cooler then.

That photo above was taken by a friend who we didn't know was there at the same establishment that we had breakfast buffet. The last time we went there it was PHP100.00 less. It's not worth it going back there anymore. That's a steep increase and yet nothing was added at their menu. If anything, there were even less.

However, in fairness to them, we cannot eat that much anymore. If ever they have added food, we might not be able to enjoy it anyway. There were some that I don't eat when we go there like cereals and macaroni salad. I also don't drink juice. I'd prefer brewed coffee and water.

So anyway, when we arrived at the place, after choosing a table, we were then instructed to go ahead to the buffet area and get food and that's what we did. We didn't care about the diners lol! We are busy so no socializing for now.

It was in the middle of our food that we noticed within the periphery of our eyes that someone was standing by our table and not going away so we were forced to look at this person and it was a friend of ours with her phone out taking photos of us lol!

So that was a funny moment. I may have laughed way to loudly at that time of enlightenment.

Our friend were having their breakfast too at another table which I actually passed earlier when I was on my way to our table.

We were waiting for another common friend of ours but they were not able to wait for they have to leave a few minutes later.

When our other friend arrived, we waited for her to finish eating before setting out and heading to the city center. Once done with her business, we then checked out another cafe. The lead image was taken from that.

There we talked about work in general and how managing people can be stressful. There are those who despite signing contract, they still go against it thinking they will not be caught. When they were caught, they play the victim card, venting out in social media. The audacity!

We could choose to stoop down at that level and do it in social media too but choose peace and free your mind from toxic people with attitude like that. They were caught yet they complain. They were the ones jeopardizing the company because they don't do their job because they are focused on the other job.

Please don't be like them. If ever you will be employed, read and understand the contract or any contract for that matter before agreeing and signing it.

I understand that we do what we have to do to survive especially if we are the breadwinner but that doesn't mean you will not think about the company you are working for. Be considerate. What if because you didn't do your job well because you are concentrating on the other job, the company had to close because they lost clients due to your negligence? You are not the only one in jeopardy but the company and every employee.

When you work in a company that had been so lenient in your absences and always believe in your excuses and you are still being paid, then you come crying when you are caught using your family as reason, that's not valid at all. Better choose one company and give chance to others who are looking for employment to replace you in the other one where they will do the job required for them to do.

It would be more acceptable if you are working on a different industry because that is what's stated in the contract. Yet, you go and be in the employ of a different company that do the same thing as what you do in the company you are currently employed. That's breach of contract.

Again, be considerate. Do your job well. It's not about you but also the company and the your co-employees.

If you can't do your job well, then better leave.

This is just one of the topics we have talked about earlier and that alone is stressful enough to think.

Anyway, there are opportunities out there waiting for us. We just have to arm ourselves with the right skill. Let's keep learning!

$ 2.48
$ 1.75 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.25 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.05 from @gertu13
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1 year ago


Very good advice when working for an employer. We should always put out best efforts forward. That is funny they took pictures standing by your table side. 🤣

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I like that you chose your peace first. Whatever is worth doing should be done well. We should always do our job well

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Kapag nag apply sa work sana dun lang dedicated ang time and no other things that may affect the real work. Mahirap yung ganyan tas di na nagagawa ng tama ang werk.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

There will be opportunities but we must keep good values and be consistent and respectful, and also responsible of our actions, always. Enjoy outside, I also did that the weather is very pleasant, hot sun and fresh breeze!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Again, be considerate. Do your job well. It's not about you but also the company and the your co-employees.

Sometimes people take their company for granted because they are not strict or lenient. For example, coming to work late. hay nako.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

-Sometimes I am also thinking of what should be an employee with integrity be like? Is it enough that you do your job well for your own sake? Of course not! Like you said we also need to think of the company and other people. That what we do affects others too. Well, I always do what I think will also benefit others maybe not for the tips that I am going to spread but for the juice of my content. Most of my articles are my personal experiences, sometimes like a messy ones! But I always make sure it has something to contribute to others like the lessons learned from it emotionally or mentally. Maybe there are times I made some mistakes not intentionally but because of not having enough knowledge because I am not as good as the other bloggers, and just trying my best according to what I can afford to contribute. Thank you for sharing your post! May you have a blessed day!🌷🙏

$ 0.00
1 year ago

The best time to go to the buffet is during dinner and don't eat breakfast and lunch lol. Anyway as an employee I should love my work especially kapag dito ko kinukuha ang pangkabuhayan ng aking pamilya.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

True sir lee. People should be considerate. Dapat hindi lang isipin ang sarili kundi ang future din ng company kaya kung hindi kaya yung job mas better na to leave kasi mas mahihirapan lang lalo.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We can't serve two masters at the same time. There will always be a tendency wherein we can't give our best performance.

$ 0.01
1 year ago