Sunflower power, the moon and me

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2 years ago

Wild sunflowers cover our mountains during the last quarter of the year. I remember when we were kids, we would use sunflower stalks as bean poles or support for whatever plant we would plant in our yard.

Not only that, these are also used in rice paddies or fertilizers in gardens for they are rich in nutrients that plants need. They easily grow. Just get a stalk and stick in the soil. That's why when we use them as poles, we would sometimes invert the poles for the stalks would take roots after a few weeks.

Aside from pine trees, sunflowers are a thing of beauty too that one can see in our city. However, the constant building of structures have made them scarce and sooner or later, gone for good.

The photos above were taken one morning when I went for sunrise viewing.

I took a photo of the moon the other night but I couldn't capture properly the ring around it. The ring or lunar halo is formed because of refraction and reflection of light. It is said to be a sign of bad weather. It's true for a strong typhoon had caused damage and death in some parts of the country where it hit.

The blue light in one of the photos was our landlady's Christmas lights. This is the only part of the building that has Christmas lights.

I have read posts that fund raising had been done through this platform and noise and the BCH community. That is such a comfort that in any way we can extend help no matter how big or small. The amount doesn't matter for when accumulated, it will be enough to help someone.

As always, give within your capacity. When we want to extend help, help in any way you can. It doesn't have to be money. It can be stuff you don't need. It can be through prayers. Giving knows no value for it is the act that matters.

December 18, 2019, this photo was taken. No filters needed. I just added my name to it.

My brother came home one afternoon and asked me to go for a hike. Mt. Yangbew is just near us. From our house to the top of the Mt. Yangbew takes about less than an hour. It's our go-to mountain since it is just near us.

That time, I can sense that something is bothering my brother. Good thing I was done with my tasks then so I willingly agreed. I needed some hike myself.

There he told me his frustrations then. Nature do wonders to you. A simple walk can help relieve your troubled minds.

When you feel like things are not going your way, go with nature. Meet with friends or have some me time. Watch a movie. Go eat. Breathe. Do something that takes away your mind from what worries you so you can find your footing again.

If you need someone to talk to, call me and let's go watch a sunset.

$ 7.01
$ 6.60 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.11 from @fantagira
$ 0.05 from @Ruffa
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2 years ago


You're right whenever we feel things aren't going the way it should be, let's try to spend time with friends and watch some series of movie to cheer up ourselves.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Do what you can to take your minds off things and maybe give you a clearer view of things later on.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I sometimes take ling walks or simply go to a eatery and order my favourite meal while observing other people live their lives whenever I'm feeling down amd frustrated. It actually helps me feel better.

Sometimes we simply need to observe life from another perspective and it kind of encourages us amd makes us feel better. Takes away our worries for that moment.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Right? I don't know why there's a calming effect just watching people pass by.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

BCH community is a name of Family. We kinda always help each other either we are far away or we are connected. Sad about Typhoon in Philippines. I hope everything will be normal soon. Sunflowers I liked because they show motion with sun light.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Truly. In whatever platform we are in, there is always that sense of community.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I just joined this platform two days ago and saw that our world still has humanity and compassion, though I do not have any experience coz I'm not from Phillipines yet I can feel their pains & sufferings. We can help people in plenty ways if we want to , so just pray and try to help those affected peoples. I think the beauty of nature doesn't need any filter to show her real charms and daintiness.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

True. We can only do as much but we can help in any way we can.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We call it fresh air, going outside when you are troubled. Go and get some fresh air, it will make you feel better!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Now that the weather is warmer, I can go out more again :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Beautiful nature in all its splendor, which you know how to capture very well with the lens. We pray for the people who have been left without homes and loved ones. Have a nice day

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Do you use smartphone or camera dear?

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I do and use apps to filter the photos.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ganda ng sunset lee😉.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for the upvotes po. Godbless🙂 Namiss ko tuloy pumunta sa college namin mabisita lang sunflower garden doon😊

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Ganda ng mga gardens na ganyan :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago