Saturday walk

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1 year ago

Yesterday, we had to go buy things that my partner needed for their Christmas event last night.

Here's a link of a reel I made of short clips while walking around town.

Walking in Baguio

After buying all the stuff that we needed, we ate lunch at one of our favorites. I forgot to make a reel for that. I'll do it later.

The place was improved. They expanded to the next space beside it. I think it was a souvenir shop before. Business seems to be doing great.

Then we had to pick up one last item before we going home.

Here's another short reel to end the day.

Be grateful

If you are in fb, click on any of those links and it will take you to my page. Right now, I'm still in the process of growing my page. Currently, there are 200+ followers. My goal for now is 500 then eventually increase that as I keep achieving milestones.

So back to my walk.

I didn't know it will take that much step for us to do our errands and stuff but yesterday we accumulated 6k steps. Not close to the usual goal of 10k but I'm still okay with it since I surpassed the 5k count.

I have gained a lot again for my clothes are tighter and I feel heavier.

I don't have a weighing scale so my indication of me gaining weight is through my clothes and how my body feels.

I kept telling myself that I will go for a walk since I don't have anything to do anyway but cold days are here and it's hard to wake up early and I feel lazy to go out in the afternoons as well.

Still, I'm glad that I have occasions where I can go for a walk and it feels good.

Also, I don't like to think that just because it is the holiday season, we should let myself loose and eat a lot. It's harder to lose weight for me and nowadays it is easier for me to gain.

Oh, give me the encouragement and motivation to go out for more walks lol!

Anyway, I hope you all are keeping yourself healthy. These days, we can't afford getting sick. I know I have not been wise in eating healthy food so I was hoping to go out for walks more to compensate at least.

Today, we had almost the same number of steps again because we checked out the Session Road Sunday event. Not much of sellers there but more of cosplayers and then a car show. There's also a distribution of relief goods.

Of course, there's the Sunday Chalk Art.

You can check out that very short clip. It's not even 20 seconds. If you are not subscribed to my channel, please do so too.

Thank you so much for everyone who continually support my platforms.

$ 1.60
$ 1.23 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.20 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.05 from @Pantera
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1 year ago


I wish I can gain weight like you. It sounds funny but that's just the truth. I'm the slim type that eats a lot but doesn't add. Lol 😂

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I just want to feel this moment , the background song you chose for Be grateful is too gud. Happy Christmas shopping dear friend

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ang ganda lang mag walk tas marami kayo super saya talaga. Namiss ko yung sa Cebu pa ako. Mahilig kami maglakad² ng mga katrabaho ko sir lee.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Maganda din kasing maglakad lakad ,marami tayong madidiscover tapos malaking tulong pa sa health natin😊

$ 0.00
1 year ago