It was not intentional

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2 years ago

I was not supposed to go visit our parent's house today. That was supposed to have happened yesterday but then I was unable to since I got caught up with work and other stuff.

Earlier today, I found myself having free time so I decided to go home. No more excuses. I was able to finish my task early thankfully. Also, the weather looks it's going to hold. (Now I just remember that I left the umbrella that I brought with me when I left our apartment. @Bjorn just wrote about forgetfulness and I commented in there that I forget things all the time. You can read that post here.)

Before that, someone sent money to my Gcash (an app that is popular here in our country wherein one can send and receive money, purchase things, pay bills, do bank transfer and all that). That is to be given to my mother.

Before going out our apartment, I checked online whether I still have some funds in my own ATM so that if I do, then I will withdraw the same amount sent to my Gcash and that will be handed to my mom. Thankfully, there are still available funds. I then prepared and head out.

I then rode a jeepney that would take me to the closest branch of my bank where I can withdraw cash. Unfortunately, the machines are out of order. I then decided to go home and withdraw there. I was waiting for a jeepney for probably 5 minutes or so but none is coming so I walked to the area where more jeepneys pass by and got a to within seconds that I arrived there.

I alighted to the branch of my bank there but same thing, machines are out of order. The cash I have is not enough to give to my mom so I'll just hand over the money next time. When would that be, I don't know yet.

It was a gloomy afternoon but one can feel the warmth so I decided to buy ice cream, one is coffee jelly flavor which I haven't tried and the other is ube macapuno. From the supermarket, I quickly walked home. It was a good 1o minutes or so.

When I arrived home, it was only my dad and one of my nephews who were there. After setting the ice cream on the table, I then washed my hands and served ice cream. Oh, what a pleasure and how refreshingly delicious but at the same time, ouch my teeth! I couldn't eat a lot. I just had enough to satisfy my cravings.

I mentioned here the one of the dogs had five puppies. How fast they have grown!

When I checked on them, they were sleeping but was awoken quickly and suddenly they were all running around their tiny space. It only seemed like yesterday when they were just tiny little things and still unable to see but now they are so eager to be out and about. No names for them as of now. We will leave the name giving to our nephews.

Chichi, their mother, is a such a rub queen. Whenever I go home, she always wants me to carry her to be cuddled and pet and rubbed. Such a baby that girl. However, all the other dogs do like me rubbing them and petting them. Such that they all want to be rubbed and had to fight for my attention. There are three adult dogs but I only have two hands lol!

I like spoiling them.

This is the only picture I got of the ice cream I bought. There were only three of us that time but we already halved it. That was taken before my nephew went for this second. I can only go for one serving. The coffee jelly flavor is okay. Nothing special about it that I can tell just that it does take like coffee, sweetened coffee. The ube macapuno flavor is okay too.

I actually had to go to the supermarket twice today, first for the ice cream and second before going back to our apartment. I had to buy some stuff that we need.

It was an unintentional visit but it's okay for I have something to report to my actifit account lol!

I wanted to to continue answering the questionnaires in my previous article but I was tired from the heat and the rush so I'd rather rest for now and check on you later again.

$ 14.93
$ 14.00 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Pichi28
$ 0.10 from @Pantera
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2 years ago


You reminded me that today I wanted to go visit my parents but I couldn't, I went to bed very late and that made me wake up late, so I couldn't go, I left it for tomorrow, I will go to bed early and get up early so I can get there at noon and eat with them, I miss them very much.

How nice you spent the day, now I want to eat ice cream, we will see what will happen at my parents house, if we have money to go out for ice cream or coffee.

I loved the puppies, they are so cute. My brother in law's girlfriend has 4 new puppies and she takes them to my brother in law's house from time to time, so if I'm there I can play with them, my brother in law also has a new puppy, so it's fun to go play with the puppies.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Let's visit them whenever we have the chance :) Ice cream and coffee would be awesome lol!

It's easy to fall in love with puppies!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

parang nag crave din tuloy ako nang ice cream hahah

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Napa ice cream nga ulit ako kanina e hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Agasem adda puppy nan hehe. Nagcute karuprupa ni Puppy hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nagadu pati jay maysa kabsat ko naganak met lang jay aso da hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

the thing that was made to be left out - umbrellas. 😁

its good that you have spare time to visit your family. it was in 2018 that i last visited my parents although it will take 10 hours of travel by land and one hour by plane. i only see and talk to them in the virtual world these days. But you know our parents always understand us and their happiness is priceless if we get to remember them, what more if we visit them.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Lol! I remember a friend who leaves an umbro all the time.

While it's good that you have constant communication, it's still a different moment when you are there with them physically. I hope you will visit them soon.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The ice cream looks colorful, I haven't tasted ice cream with such color and I'm really a big fan of ice cream.... Those puppy are really cute by the way

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The ice cream was the best. I kid you not :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your dog is really cute, that icecream is calling me. Lol, from reading most of your articles, I've noticed how you love trying out new edibles. It's awesome too...

Your day was really great, I literally did nothing meaningful today.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

These food companies always come up with something new to make people buy more :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Having that pet is really good for us. They're really cute. Those dogs are fascinating especially when they play with us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Di ko na nabuksan actifit ko haha. Ang saya bumisita! Oo preserve mo muna pag sagot sa mga questionnaires.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wala na time mag exercise? hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Same here ma'am😊 alaga ko sitsue dog waahhh, penge ice cream ma'am🥺

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Shih tzu din tong mga to hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I like to stay in join family. I have pet animal also.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm sure our pets will get along with you well :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow ang cute naman nila😍

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kaya nga e. Sana maging health silang lahat.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Visit din paminsan2..prang gusto ko rn mag ice cream haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oo nga e. Lapit lang naman :) Tara na mag ice cream :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago