Purposes Behind the Travels I had in My Life (Part 1)

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2 years ago

Life is being considered a journey in this earth for a lifetime. And it's true , everyone takes his own journey and travels a lot.

Travelling here on earth could mean different things to different people. To some it could mean the way of life they are living . To some it could mean their activities , their passions in life and many more.

But literally, travelling is going to different places, for some reasons and purposes. And this is what I am going to share to you.

Going to some places is inevitable . There are times we go to places unexpectedly , unplanned , planned , decided upon , by chance, or by necessity.

Whatever the case maybe, we have our own experiences about travelling that surely had made our life meaningful, purposeful, happy, exciting , enjoyable and memorable.

Travelled to Live in a New Place

My family lived in the province of Nueva Ecija. It is the place where I was born. But there came a time that my parents decided to leave our place and settle in Caloocan City. My father was convinced by one of our relative who will be going there too.

I was then twelve years old, a Grade 5 student . My eldest sisters then were working in Metro Manila at that time and we the younger kids , were with our parents in the province. Maybe our parents wanted us to be reunited so my parents were convinced to live in Caloocan City. Our residential house & property in the province was left in the care of the family of my first cousin, while our 3 hectare rice field were sold and was used to buy a house & only a rights to a property for it is a squater area.

It was my first time to have a longer travel . Usually I only travel from our hometown to the City, Cabanatuan City. It will only take one and a half or two hours.

This time travelling from our hometown , Nueva Ecija going to Caloocan City is 4 to 6 hrs. travelling by bus . It is much a longer journey for me . And since it was my first travel for that long, I feel so dizzy that made me to vomit a lot.

It was my eldest sister who took me with her , to where she is staying. She is staying with one of our relative, somewhere in Sangandaan, for it is near to the place where she works at that time. My parents & other siblings that time where still in the province. My sister took care of me , while waiting for my parents to buy a house where we could stay for good.

When my parents & other siblings were already settled in the house to be our own new home then my eldest sister and I went there and lived with them.

In this newly bought owned house , begun our new way of life. At the process of time , learned to cope up with the environment , and eventually get used to it.

Here I continued my studies in Elem. School near our place, but I need to travel a jeep going to school. The same thing when I studied my secondary school . I had to travel daily to go to school.

It was only during my college days , that I need not to travel by jeep or bus. I had only to walk from our house going to the University where I studied my BSE course, but sad to say I only reached 2nd year, and have to work.

Travelled For Youth Camps

During my high school days I get involved in Bible Studies in school, during my 3rd and 4th year. When I graduated from high school , having the same friends with, we continued in our spiritual journey in life. We had the same church wherein we were more fed with the word of God, that we continued in the faith , strengthened , and grow spiritually.

First Camp Attended - Bicol

Youth Camps were held yearly, during School Vacation time . Young People from different churches of the same faith and practice will be gathered in such a venue for camps to be taught by the word of God and or be trained. Its purpose was to make Youths grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ .

The first Youth Camp that I attended was held in Bicol. The church from where my friends and I attended sponsored us so we could go. Our Pastor was with us to guide and help us.

It is my first time to travel by a train. We travelled by night. Attending the first Youth Camp was a new experience, very exciting and enjoyable. We have cottages to stay. We had schedules to follow such as Morning Devotion, before breakfast. Then time to prepare for Worship Services, hearing Pastor or Preacher preaching the word of God. Having breaktime used for having merienda then going back again to resume Bible Studies in groups headed by Pastor of every churches as follow up. There will be Lunch Break , Siesta time, and Games and Fellowship activities. Usually the Youth Camps is held for three days.

Second Youth Camp in Baguio

Having enjoyed the first Youth Camp, once again I was able to attend. This time we had to work for it in order to be one to represent the church.

It was my first time to travel going to Baguio. Since I was now used to travelling to long distances I do not anymore feel dizzy and vomit. Though the bus were riding take the Kennon Road , still I was able to cope up with the zigzag road. A very different and exciting and somewhat scaring travel. The bus was in its , I think in a maximum speed, because it was a deafening experience as we go along the Kennon Road from the bottom.if the mountain speeding up to the top. From the top you can look out from the window the road you have passed by. Thanked God we were all safe reaching the top.

The same scheduled activities were done but of different theme or topic is being introduced. Different Pastors from different Churches were the speakers, some Filipinos, some Americans.

Bible Study Retreat in Batanggas

In my college days, I am involved in Bible Study too, still having a high school friend of mine, be my school mate too. This time she was not with me. It was my Bible Study leader who is my companion, together with other college students in the University. We travelled by bus going there. We stayed for three days in a Pastor house in that place.

This was a different experience for me. From the place we stayed we are to cross to the other shore . So it was my first time to travel by boat. It was exciting and scary for me .

The purpose of the retreat was to share the gospel of salvation to another place crossing the sea by boat. But of course , we were trained to do it, and this time it is time to do it by ourselves. As a believer of Christ, who personally experienced the saving power of Jesus Christ by the presentation of the gospel of salvation to me by another believer, now it's my turn to do the same. By the help of the Holy Spirit, whom the Bible says dwell upon the believer upon acceptance of Jesus Christ, I was able to present the gospel of salvation to a person using the Bridge Gap Illustration with the respective verses from the Bible.

An Adult Camp Retreat in Baguio

I was already working this time and can pay for my own camp fee. It was in Baguio, same venue that I went during the first Youth Camp I attended.

The kind of travel to the place , and the experienced travelling was then familiar. What made it different was the person sitting beside me . It was my Christian boyfriend whom I married. We both attended the Adult Camp for us both to be strenghthened in our faith in God and in our relationship with each other .

Ladies Fellowship Camp Laguna

I was already married and have young people children when I attended this camp in Caliraya in Laguna. I was sponsored by my a Christian sister, a member of the same church I am attending. She is the wife of one of my brother in law who works abroad.

We crossed by boat going to the place which is on top of a mountain. After crossing it, we rode on a jeep to go up to the venue. It was a very nice place . Besides having good facilities you can enjoy the beauty of nature.

It was a blessed experienced to be with other ladies of different churches of the same faith and practices. We had the Pastor's wives as our speakers. We are fed spiritually and fed physically with delicious foods.

There are still lots of places only in the Philippines that I had travelled , as the Lord allowed me, and I will be sharing it as Part 2 of this article.

God's Goodness in my Travels

I am thankful to God that in my life, I was able to know Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour personally , through the word of God by a school mate.

And an high school classmate who lead me to a church , that helped me to grow more in faith and be strenghthed and eventually matured in the faith.

God allowed me to meet them and used them in my spiritual journey in life. I believed our change of residence which my parents have decided was part of the plan of God in my life. Travelling from the province to the city meeting the people whom God used as instrument to know God's message if salvation which is through Jesus Christ alone.

The travelling experiences on Camps are indeed a blessed experienced for me. I travelled to far places with God's providences and protection for the purpose of knowing Him more to be the God of my life who will never leave me nor forsake me no matter what I will be going through in life.

#11 Article as of April 2022
April 30, 2022 - Sat. 5:40 am

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2 years ago


Traveling is part of the necessities of life as in moving from one place to another. It is for this purpose that we have our legs but technology made it easier to move from place to place. It is only when we move sometimes that we can reach out for that which we aim.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Travelling is good, I love traveling too, there are so many places you have to go to in life so as to move forward.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tunay po na ibat ibang paglalakbay ang ating patutunguhan. Katulad ko po ang bayan kung saan nkatira ang parent ko at saka ang mother in law ko ay sa, san juan batangas. Pero noong nkpg asawa po ako at nagkaroon ng bahay ay sa isang city na kung tawagin ay city of lipa. Hindi po tlga natin masasabi kung saan tayo mapapadpad ng ating magagandang paglalakbay.

$ 0.00
2 years ago