My Introductory Post

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2 years ago

Personal Testimony

It was during my High School Days (third year) that I joined a Bible Study Group in our school. It was being held once in a week during our vacant period.

A classmate of mine invited me to join. She is also the one who told me about how to get saved. I remember she used the bridge gap Illustration in telling me about my condition before God . That I am a sinner , separated from God because of my sins. She showed me from the Bible the verses , as she continue to tell me things about the revealed truths about being sinful, its consequences and about God 's love towards a sinful human like me. She told me about Jesus Christ the God sent one who is the Saviour . She told me about what Christ has done. How Christ took my sins on His own body and paid it's penalty by His death on the cross of Calvary to save me from eternal damnation in hell for all eternity. She told me that I need to acknowledge that I am a sinner and confessed my sins to God and asked God for forgiveness. And I need to believe and accept Christ as my Saviour. Claiming by faith that Christ did what was done on the cross of Calvary for me , for my salvation. She helped me pray to God then at that time the sinner's prayer of acceptance of the Saviour Jesus Christ.

When the next school year came, the classmate friend who won me to Christ through personal evangelism, was not my classmate anymore in my fourth year. We were assigned to different class section. Nevertheless we still meet in the Bible Study we joined previously.

In my fourth my year class I had a classmate who also joined in the Bible Study and she invited me to a Baptist Church where she is attending every Sunday. I got interested because I want to learn more about many things concerning the faith in Jesus Christ.

And I was not disappointed. I got what I wanted. I was fed by the word of God, the Bible, sumptuously. My faith and knowledge of the Lord Jesus grew and strenghthened.

By the grace of God , I am continuing in my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ from then on to the present.

And I will be sharing that kind of faith and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ in this community as the Lord leads me.

Thanks for this community for the opportunity that I could have. And I just hope that this community would grow , that many believers could share each other's experiences of how God worked in their respective spiritual journey in life.

In Christ


July 10, 2022 - Sunday

#1 Post month of July, 2022
My Introductory Post 
Personal Testimony


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Avatar for ALDEC314
2 years ago


That is great to know. Im glad we are similar on putting our faith in God. Thoigh i have not been active in church recently abd had gotten cold, im so thankful to youband your article. This sets as reminder for me to reach out to God ..

May God bless you dear

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As a believer of Christ , we are to live by faith, for Christ is the author and finisher of our faith. And the faith we have in God pleases Him and will reward it as we diligently seek Him. May God's blessings be upon us always.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Amen and hallelujah!! Welcome to the group.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank You very much

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is really beautiful to see things like things amid all cult that is becoming to succumb every man's belief. It's good to see that one still know the gospel. God bless you Ma'am 😊.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am really so thankful to God, that there are still people who cares for the soul of others by sharing the gospel of salvation .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm not Christian by the way, but keep on doing what you are doing. Keep faith in the lord. Hope success comes our way 🤞

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I appreciate you gave your time reading my post. I believe faith in the Lord whom we personally know , is something for success to come our way.

$ 0.00
2 years ago