Do Dreams Have Something To Tell Us ?

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2 years ago

Have you dreamed a lot? How often do you dream? Every night or anytime whenever you sleep? And do you remember your dream when you wake up?

In my personal experience I dream a lot. Every night I dream. Sometimes in my nap I also dream. Sometimes I remember my dream when I wake up sometimes not. And when I dream sometimes it was colorful and sometimes it only black and white.

Dreams Actually Experience In Reality

There are dreams that I cannot forget, because it TELLS ME SOMETHING before it happened in my real life. One of which are the things that happened when we lived in Negros Occidental, my husband's province.

Before we lived on that place, while we were yet living in Manila I frequently dreamed of bodies of water . I also dream of going to a place where the road is leading to a place with lots of trees, and I also dreamed of walking in a muddy path going somewhere else.

When we go to Negros Occidental, somewhere in Visayas Region, we travelled by sea. It was my first time to ride in a ship, it was MV San Juan. It was year 1990's. We went there as a family to take care of my husband's grandfather. We will be living in the house of his uncle where his grand father lived. It is located in Old Sagay, nearby the sea. We lived there for almost two years. And the dreams I previously mentioned , I saw and experienced in this place.

The bodies of water I saw in my dream I actually see and experienced for we lived near the sea and always go there to swim and even get seafoods like halaan to be our food. The muddy road on my dream that I walked on , I really experienced walked upon it, when I was accompanied by a friend we came to meet there to go to my husband's relative to get some fishes for it's time for them to harvest. When we headed to the place and as I am walking by foot on that slippery and muddy road I remember my dreamed that I dreamed when I was in Manila. And I said to myself, this is it. We were able to go to the place after a long walk in that muddy and slippery road. We went home having the fishes given and took the same road that we take in going there.

Another instance in my dream, is the road I am going to enter in. In my dream we are going to a place. In my dream I saw the road afar off. Along the road on both sides were full of trees giving shades to the road so you will not feel the heat of the sun as you go through it.

One day a relative of my husband visited us in the house we stayed. She invited us to go to their house and my husband and I consented. We just take a walk. As we were walking I saw afar off the road we are going to take. Just as how I saw in my dream the road afar off it was just like in reality, and I walked actually in it. When I actually saw that road , I remembered the very dream that I dreamed. I just said to myself, it is in Negros that I will see the real place which I have dreamed while I was yet in Manila. I realized then that there are things in my dream that I actually saw and experience in reality.

Dreams Being A Sign of Things to Happen in the Future

There are three of my dreams that gave me a sign of something to happen in the future. It was only realized when it actually happened.

The first dream was about my full hair fall like a wig on the floor, when I stoop down. I very well remember this dream when I woke up that very morning, and wondering what could that mean. Until such time that unexpected thing happened. It was about my husband who had his high blood pressure attack that caused to become comatose just for one day and died, Dec. 3, 2014. I had thought my dream of losing my full hair coincides with it.

The second dream was about a wide digged ground beginning from my inherited lot to the inherited lot of my younger brother.This dream happened while I was yet in our province, that is before pandemic. I was in Manila then, and here I happened to be when pandemic occured. It was May 2020 that I was informed of the death of my younger brother. I was not able to go home that time for it was pandemic. This too I coincide with my dream , since the digged ground in my dream ended in the inherited lot of my younger brother.

The third dream was about me and my husband and his ex girlfriend. In my dream my husband and I would meet in the church. I was then in the church and waiting for him at the entrance. I saw him arrived and entering the gate, while I stand at the entrance . When he entered in he passed me by, ignoring me and went in straight ahead of me. While standing there at the entrance , surprised upon my husband's reaction, I just look toward him where he is going. I saw from afar her ex girl friend which he approach. Her ex girlfriend seeing him embraced him not minding my presence seeing them afar off. Feb. 2019 I was here in Manila and started attending church services in Caloocan. My husband's ex girlfriend was one of the Welcoming committee in that church. She was usually at the entrance to greet, meet and welcome anyone who is coming to worship. She was a friendly woman , and she always talk to me whenever we see each other. Month of Aug. 2020 she gave me a boquet of flowers on my birthday. She always encourage me to be back and teach in Sunday School for I was active before. I just tell her I'll pray about it. Come May 2021, I saw in a post in fb that she died. I coincide this too in my dream for in my dream she was the one whom my husband approach instead of me. And she responded with embrace to my husband.

Personal experienced brought me to conclude that DREAMS HAS SOMETHING TO TELL US.

How about you had your dreams also has something to tell you ? Does your dreams encourage you to want to know its meaning or interpretation? What is your personal thought about dreams?

Thanks for reading.

#6 Article for the month of February

February 21, 2022 - Monday

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2 years ago


Nakakatuwa naman po ang mga dream ninyo. Isang kahanga hangang basahin. Lalo na po ung nagmeet sa church together ex gf ni husband ninyo. Tunay po na mahalaga ang dream sa ating buhay.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I became a weird guy in the house cause when ever I dream, my dream do come to pass, I don't even know how I do it, its like I do see vision, most of the time I don't remember, and sometime I do and I tell my mom, she do get scared when I tell her I have a dream, but I had to stop telling my dreams to them, and sometime when I go to a place or an event happens, it always look like I have been there before or it has happened before, like I'm living an event over again, this has happened many time. Making me feel weird.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Everytime I dream about calamities, it makes me feel afraid. Most of my dream about calamaris do happened in real life. When I was in college, I dreamt about our neighbor barangay. It was being flashed out by a big waves and everything in the shore like houses were being washed out. Last December, when typhoon Odette happened, our neighbor barangay was being washed out just like what happened in my dream.

$ 0.01
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

I started dreaming before 7 years, they were scary dreams and when they finally left, my dreams comes to reality.

People don't believe in dream but I do because it is one of the prophecies in the Bible. At a point Jesus said, the youth will dream and that's a sign that the holy spirit is communicating with us.

$ 0.01
2 years ago