Women and crypto

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Avatar for AKLemoine
3 years ago

In a world where the level of competitiveness is a bit strong and unfortunately ruled by men, mostly women are seen for years as "the weaker sex" and this is even more accentuated in the world of cryptos!

It is not a lie for anyone that it can be difficult for us to grasp certain learnings, we are experts in investing time in our day to day hectic with a thousand things to do or in handling our accounts, daily purchases, studies and several other expenses for example, but when it comes to investing in cryptos I feel like there is an immediate mindset shift caused by a bit of fear in the unknown and the risk it entails...

Which leads me to think, why if women are good at investing in something we like, we don't put that audacity into practice for electronic investments?

Talking about this with who has been my teacher and partner on this path for a few months @Monolith we came to the conclusion that women definitely project our energy into tangible things, we let ourselves be carried away more by the sentimental part, we are more restrained in terms of risks , we think again and again about the possible consequences while man is more risky at certain points! Obviously, we are not all the same, and hence the success of some women in this area, there are, but they are few...

I do not want to turn this into a sexist article but obviously we must recognize our weaknesses and strengths, which leads me to think again, what would happen if we unite all our qualities and concentrate them on learning in the crypto world?

I am of the faithful conviction that the woman of this era is innovative, dreamy, creative, decisive, wanting to succeed in what we propose to feel independent and entrepreneurial, it is no longer a matter of just wanting to be the ideal complement of man but also feel on a par with them in many areas and what better way to do it by this means than in cryptocurrencies! I'm actually an apprentice in this but little by little I want to share what I have been learning, starting from the most basic; and thus perhaps encourage many women who, due to lack of information or fear, do not dare to get involved a little more in the dreaded but interesting world of cryptos.

Ana Karina Lemoine

$ 4.34
$ 3.49 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.75 from @Monolith
$ 0.10 from @mainzero
Avatar for AKLemoine
3 years ago


You Write Very nicely.. Its True that's .... now a present day Women's are So many way Devolvement site Created by themself.. And its one of Easg Way Collect more and More BcH....

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The article is very interesting, women can develop many skills and this world of cryptocurrencies would give us empowerment ...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great talk. Great Inspiration for us. Thanks for sharing.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Glad we have been of some guidance for you, dear. Keep it up. Have a tip.

$ 0.00
3 years ago