For example: owning your own business


@portugalcoin (user)
Promote Portugal, Web Developer & Cryptocurrency Enthusiast
@PorTuuU (user)
@Portia (user)
Reading is dreaming with eyes wide open😋😍
@Timseat (user)
I have been freelancing full-time since 2012 and it has been an excellent way to see the world and meet stunning people. Dispatching out of both San Diego and Portugal, I hope to bring high-end writing, social media marketing, and coaching services
@jbscontabilidade (user)
Contrate os seus serviços de contabilidade em Portugal com a Oferecemos serviços de contabilidade, consultoria, gestão administrativa de recuros humanos, consultoria fiscal e constituição de empresas. Visite o nosso site para mais informações.
@m4ktub (user)
Software Engineer from Portugal