For example: captain america


@Ernest_of_Gaia (user)
At Nomad Blockchain Research, LLC I travel up and down the West Coast of the U.S. beta testing decentralized applications and hardware for decentralized networks. I test use cases for interested persons or groups who wish to store or save business value, nourish decentralized communities, and experi...
@DeFiAfrica (user)
To promote the awareness and adoption of decentralized finance in Africa through connecting developers, students, crypto enthusiasts and organizations, who wish to take part of the transition into the decentralized future, in order to foster knowledge sharing, testing, and development of impactful D...
@Alves2228 (user)
Crypto and blockchain enthusiast | Exploring crypto exchange and wallet apps | Passionate writer | Uncovering the potential of decentralized finance | Join me on this exciting journey! 🚀
@Stuart (user)
Hey, I'm Stuart and I like writing about Decentralized Finance and Cryptocurrency related content :)
@crypto4ever (user)
Decentralized World
@the_ranger_bch (user)
Here to support decentralized knowledge, open for all.
@CryptoNerd (user)
Bitcoin Cash and Crypto writer, enthusiast, early adopter focused on the people, technology, economics, and applications of decentralized ledgerNo bio yet...
@SantaElonInu (user)
Santa Elon Inu is a global, decentralized deflationary token with validators and community from all over the world. Santa Elon Inu is a meme project designed on binance smart chain. The aim is to provide fair opportunity for everyone financially and reflection reward back to holders.
@hodlnaut (user)
Cryptocurrencies are complex, ever-evolving digital assets that come with a significant learning curve to fully understand them. As part of our commitment to Defi and crypto, we stay on top of the industry's best practices and latest trends. Understand the basics of Hodlnaut accounts and interest on...
@CryptoBlockchain (user)
A blockchain is a distributed database that is shared among the nodes of a computer network. As a database, a blockchain stores information electronically in digital format. Blockchains are best known for their crucial role in cryptocurrency systems, such as Bitcoin, for maintaining a secure and dec...
@Obsidian (user)
A cryptocurrency and thus be able to enter the world of: Nft Games, Hold or Trading or simply operate in this decentralized market.
@The00Dustin (user)
I got into Bitcoin in 2011 for the decentralized currency it was meant to be.
@CryptoCoinscribe (user)
CryptoCoinscribe is a passionate cryptocurrency enthusiast and blockchain advocate. With a deep fascination for the transformative potential of digital currencies, CryptoCoinscribe is dedicated to exploring and sharing insights about the crypto world. With a strong background in finance and technol...
@zildfinance (user)
Protocol of mutual decentralized wealthNo bio yet...
@SilverLineswap (user)
The silverline token is a utility token, aiming to provide safety to investors through its own decentralized exchange and a private dashboard! SLN token is at the heart of the SilverLineSwap ecosystem. Buy it, Win it, Farm it, Spend it, and Stake it.No bio yet...
@TheEmpress (user)
Big fan of Bitcoin Cash, love cats and sats, creator of the Konra SmartBCH token. I believe in a better decentralized world.
@Ridam (user)
Fond of Blockchain and Decentralized Ecosystem.
@icash (user)
Learn crypto, cash, blockchain and decentralized finance
@SXNXW (user)
A Decentralized Collective ⚘
@Souadko (user)
Get decentralized in everything in life, #BCH adopted... ...
@dragonwolftech (user)
I write about technology and decentralized finance
@shoaibkhan94 (user)
strong supporter of decentralized cryptocurrency..
@smartcontract121 (user)
Smart Contract Development has emerged as a transformational force, altering traditional transactional procedures across multiple industries. Smart contract developers are at the center of this revolution, as they are the builders of the decentralized systems that drive it.
@libertycrypto27 (user)
I love the philosophy behind blockchains and I dream of a decentralized world.
@recordlabeldao (user)
Record Label DAO is building an artist launchpad backed by a decentralized record label that offers Initial Release Offering (IRO) to the public
@El-Dorado-Exchange (user)
EDE is the next leap forward for Decentralized #SocialTrading, enabling both the individual and the group to prosper from each other.
@snipstart (user)
In our SnipStart "Future Sites & Trends Digest" we regularly present interesting articles and links on topics such as web services & apps, digital life, decentralized finance, start-ups, business ideas, artificial intelligence, crypto currencies and blockchain.No bio yet...
@threefold (user)
ThreeFold’s decentralized cloud crypto platform is the new internet-based in the world’s largest cloud network. In addition, it’s 100% private, making user data completely encrypted.
@defitokendevelopment (user)
No bio yetDecentralized Finance DeFi Development Company we are experts in block chain protocols, decentralized exchanges, asset tokenization, and smart contract development. Visit us: -
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