I'm pessimistic. Actually very pessimistic.

Like, a scenario may pop-up now and within 2 milliseconds I'm thinking about everything that could ever go wrong. Then I try to identify them and be prepared on my part... instead of going "LeT's hOpE fOr tHe bEsT. eVeRyThInG WILL SURELY wOrKoUt fOr gOoD"

yunno life is really funny and more than half the time life can be very brutal on us. Better I think "bad stuff will happen" and then the bad stuff actually happens.. (if good stuff happens instead, it's pure bliss, no cap). Than for me to think "good stuff will happen" and then bad sh×t happens instead.. (if good sh×t happens, it's pure bliss too, no cap).

You see it's a win-win situation.

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@jvseph posted 4 years ago


Your positions are better than mine at least you can differentiate between good and bad. See , I even can distinguish them.

I think I am more pessimist than you. Now enjoy

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Lol pessimism sure do have it's own benefits as a whole... opens one's eyes to reality

$ 0.00
4 years ago