Iron deficiency anemia is due to two reason . First it happens when we do not have sufficient amount of iron in our diet according to our RDA. Second it is due to some absorbtion problem that we are taking iron in sufficient amount but there is some problem in our body that doesn't let it absorb in our body.

In iron deficiency anemia the RBC is immature in size. Its size is smaller than normal. It is also known as hypochromic microcytic.

It develops slowly and patient tires very soon and is not physically active other features are blur vision, lose of appetite.

In late cases, oedema over feet can be seen. The nails become pale and tongue become atrophied. Menstrual irregularities occur in females.


In our diet main sources of iron are cereals and pulses which supply about 50 percent of our need but high level of phytates of cereal effects the iron absorption.In rice diet 5.5 percent of iron is present while in wheat 1.6 to 1.8 percent of it is present.

It is noted that calories deficiency leads to less iron absorption .High doses of vit C increases the absorption of iron.Protein and copper deficiency also lead to poor iron absorption.

It may be due to accidents when a person has injuries and great blood loses occur.

It is due to excess bleeding during menstrual cycle.

It may be due to excess bleeding after giving birth to a baby.

Effects of Anaemia

High premature death and perinatal mortality are common in anaemia infants. Not only mother suffers from nutritional anaemia,the foetus is also born handicapped.

Reduction in working capacity of women is due to it.

Supplements and food

We can take iron supplements to treat such type of anemia and can also treat it with good diet having sufficient amount of iron ,copper , protein and sufficitent calories too.

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@Ushna posted 3 years ago
