Why is this platform not accepting my christian articles?

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@Jossy posted 3 years ago


Hello @jossy. I am the admin of SST: Christians. I just read one of your articles and I have one question. Have you tried reading our community rules? If you haven't, I put it here and I hope you understand our reason.

Please do not give me a copy of bible words. I want to hear your miracles, things that you are thankful for, things that some people do not see within the faith of God. NO fighting. Respect for each other.

Make sure that your titles start with Christians: ... Or contents start with contents are regarding Christians life. so that those who are not Christian can skip the articles for our sign of respect to other religions. Content must be living as a Christian, not teaching others to be one and no comparing other religions to ours.


Send your Introduction to Introduce Yourself(c32c): only once needed.

Layout: presentable (easy to read, especially focus)

Make sure to have a citation for borrowed sentences, quotes, or definition.

Grammar and punctuation count.

English only.

with a minimum of 200 words.

In conclusion, I am searching for something rare. Your life experience as a christian and not a story about God and the devil itself.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks! Understood.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

How? Was your article not published? The only reason your article could be rejected is if it has been published somewhere else before

$ 0.00
3 years ago