“Gideon, I don’t know how you do it but trust me, if you could convince these highly intellectual persons to work with you and buy into your vision so much that they live it like it’s theirs, you are a true leader. It’s not about your outside. It wells up from the inside. Don’t lose it.” I learnt my first leadership lesson from those words which have stuck since then. Leadership, to me, is a synonym for influence. It is your ability to communicate a vision and have people follow it even without compulsion. It is your ability to attract people; it is your ability to make people see things through your eyes, feel things through your pores and perceive things through your own senses. Leadership is magnetic!
4 years ago
Or you are just a good salesman and can sell poop as if it is a bar of gold. What do you think about that? It is what my employer said I was able of. 🍀