I will be writing more about this later - but this is horrifying and absurd. AntiFa protesters tore down a statue of ABRAHAM LINCOLN and Teddy Roosevelt earlier. This is the Horseshoe Theory in action. This is an embarrassment to the whole political Left in this country and really all Americans. How can they claim to be pro-black and then tear down a statue of the guy who ended black slavery in this country? https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/520577-portland-protesters-topple-statues-of-lincoln-roosevelt-in-day-of-rage?fbclid=IwAR2A5CtT3QwfLgimZPV1i9HfZRmbxInWXe8EpfE7MvdeFMX6B1pTnL0MsQ8

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@AntiSJWLeft posted 3 years ago


I agree with you that this is ridiculous. Part of it may be herd mentality, but it really juts boils down to hate and the many masks it wears. I'm pretty sure I've read articles and/or opinions this calendar year (Gregorian 2020) indicating that Abraham Lincoln was racist because he didn't do enough and that Bill Clinton was anti-LGBT because he didn't do enough. Those were separate articles and/or opinions, not two inputs by the same misguided account on the same platform. While "don't ask don't tell" wasn't the right path forward, I don't believe it was done out of hate or with other ill intent. All I can figure is that some person or group of people with intents unbeknownst to me is stirring up dissonance by fanning the coals of thoughtless action with ideas that are each more far-fetched than the last in order to keep controlling people using their own hate. Ultimately, this would allow the most important figure in any given person's history to be villainized for not standing up against any given social infraction regardless of social norms at the time and perhaps even lacking presence of said infraction involving said person's life.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

My biggest issue with most of the theories that there is just one person or group controlling all of this behind the scenes is that I don't see a lot of people who benefit from this. I think online bubbles and radicalization that way make more sense. That and peer pressure from a bunch of kids (mostly with weak will power who wont stand up for themselves) who just want to be accepted by the group.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah, the whole "it's George Soros" or "it's the Illuminati" stuff is a bit off the deep-end. However, when I say "group of people" I don't mean "group of associated people." A group of people could be "people with a specific personality disorder and plenty of time on their hands." In any case, to the extent that I sound like a conspiracy theorist above, it probably comes from my inability to fully grasp the power of group-think or unwillingness to accept that the level of intellect of the average person could be as low as actions like these make it appear. On the other hand, as I type that, it occurs to me that just because a group of 1,000 people get a whole lot of media attention for being really stupid doesn't change the fact that the surrounding 1,000,000 people aren't getting any media attention for not being stupid, so perhaps the disbelief could be due to poor framing.

$ 0.00
3 years ago