My daughter gets really bad nosebleeds and yes, I have taken her to the doctor. He has said several times that there is 'nothing to worry about'. Sometimes they do scare me though, not going to lie. I always try to keep calm for her because my freaking out won't help. Today I kept us both calm by telling really cheesy dad jokes ie: Did you hear about the man who invented the knock knock joke? He won the no-bell prize!' Sure, they were horrible (but somehow so bad they were funny) but it worked.
She's good now. We're still trying to figure out why she gets them but we can't even see our doctor at the moment. I gave her some orange juice and a cookie so she was happy.
Try to search online what causes a bleeding nose. Maybe it's too hot at your place. She needs some cold like ice or anything...
Ice was actually how I got it to stop. Doc said it;s likely dry air but they do get really severe sometimes.
Yeah. That's what I know as first aid too. So do you mean this is not the first time it happens?
Nope. I went to the doctor because it kept happening.
😔 That's sad news. But she will be okay. ❤
Lol. 😂 That joke really comforted you if your daughter had a bleeding nose. I hope she's healthy and okay now.