Do you call it BREAK UPS if: He Stops communicating? Stops caring? Stops arguing? Stops loving? Stops fighting? Stops saying good morning to good night? Stops saying how they care and cherished you? Stops saying corny jokes just to ease the pain you feelin' Stops talking to you Stops cooking for you? Stops making faces Stops farting infront of you? Stops doing what makes you happy?

Dont make me wrong, we never been in a relationship, but why do i feel so mesirable after he left, why does his scent keeps on hunting me? Why does everything makes sense if he do it, like when he cooks for me, it feels special, when he do the laundry, it makes me think ohh so lucky to have him, when he draws me, when he kisses on my forehead and when he becomes so childish just to get permission.

What do you think are we? Am i the only one expecting something will happen to the both us. When i think this is it.

Our relationship may not be labeled as a LOVERS but we almost had it all.

So, what do you call it? Its a lot confusing when in the first place we dont know what label are we.

At masakit pala pagnawala even if it is just a NON LABEL RELATIONSHIP.

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@Mr.chuckie posted 2 years ago
