Hi everyone! This is my first piece here in read cash, i just want to thank all of you for being such an inspiration to me in motivating and encouraging to write something. I hope you'll like it guys.

Since its my first entry i would like to introduce myself .

I am just an ordinary person living in a ordinary life or shall i say beyond ordinary. We are not living in a mansion or own luxurious things, we are normally so called common people.

Fear is temporary but regret is forever. Life must have been brought me up like this. Myself changing as the years passing by, i become a woman with goals, tell me im ambitious but yes i dream big my imagination is wide, its free however you need to work hard for it to come true, because i believe success in life comes when you simply refuse to give up.

When my parents decide to transfer place we have nothing than ourselves. Back to zero but even in poverty my parents still do their best to send us in school.

We grew up with goals in mind that we should finished studies whatever happens, and so at young age i became a working student since highschool. I didnt mind if what i do? ,How i can manage going to school and working at the same time. The mindset makes me mature.

I think if you face life difficulty in a positive way, i must say surely you will succeed.

Im still not in halfway to the goals i planted in my mind but i will keep on kicking and puddling and keep on praying that God will give me more time to discover myself and guidance, strength to keep going even lots of people will try to bring us down. I know if its Gods plan then it would happen to me.

Life is a gift that we need to take good care, how lucky if you were born and have a privilege to see the beauty of life and the creation of the Lord.

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@Mr.chuckie posted 2 years ago
