Due to the success of “Itchy Pen,” my first book, I would like to announce that its second installment is on its way. Target launch will be next month, October 2020.

Just like “Itchy Pen 1,” book 2 is a compendium of English and Filipino essays, poems, articles, and spur-of-the moment musings about the three things I am most passionate about: education, love, and life.

There will be very limited copies available, so I suggest that you reserve your copy as early as now by sending a message to the Ariel Lansang - Author Facebook Page.

Your usual support will be appreciated.

Please help me spread the word by sharing this post.

Itchy Pen Book 2 is coming! Marami pong salamat.

With gratitude, Ariel Lansang

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@Rusher posted 4 years ago


Good Luck Bro

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4 years ago