It's been months since I posted my first and last article entitled "Ask to Unmasked". I was at my hectic schedule those times, doing our thesis for outline defense. But now, I decided to be active in here again. And I just wanna share a poem written by me, that I happened to scribble based on my own instinct that also conformed with timely issue at that moment. And it goes like this:

You're a Warrior, Aren't You?

We are clump of warriors on this chaotic battlefield, But would you consider a typical someone as one? When he's cladded with fear became hopeless enough to fight and just chose to run? When he's been devoured by selfishness and greed merely to gloat and succeed?

Being with this gallant throng is like defending a fortress, But what if envy and hatred would tore the bond apart? That they just choose to asunder unbosoming thorns one owns rather battling in unison? That they tend to plot of crashing and crumpling each other than deafeating enemies together?

It doesn't always mean to have rigid swords and sturdy shields, for us to be called a bold warrior. It's not the flesh but the spirit, It's not being alone with own wit, But to have someone to grip with. Unleash the soul of gallantry Meld it with an authentic charity And if this is indeed a battlefield, can you call yourself a warrior sweetie?

How's the poem? I'd like to hear some feedbacks from you about it. It's all about, when you are in the verge of the crossroads of struggles or confusion, it's not bad to reach out sometimes. Ask for help instead of escaping from it. Battling alone does not always define strength, sometimes it's when you have people or even just a certain someone who's always and will always stay with you no matter how hard the situation is, and will fight together with you. So if you have those people and certain someone in your life, thank them for they are blessing in disguise .

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@dauntless_marquess posted 1 year ago
