If there's one thing experience has taught me it's that I will always be second best. Even that's being generous really. That was once again proven to me tonight when we visited a friend. I always got along with this friends mother but tonight, she seemed to want nothing to do with me. Considering they were hosting other guests as well, I tried not to take it personally. It became clear though that I was simply not good enough. She spoke to everyone else just fine but not me. When I attempted to make conversation when she was alone, she flat out ignored me so I went outside to talk to the others instead. A little later she came out as well. She made it a point to talk to every single person there (my husband included) except me. It seems when other people are around, I become less than nothing and this is far from the first time it has happened. I wish I could say it's only her but I've had this problem with many, many people. Perhaps there's just something about me that makes me less important.

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@Paganprincess posted 3 years ago


What a strange behavior that woman shows. I would ask her why she ignores me right into her face and sorry for my friend but I would not show up again. Did you ask your friend why the mother behaves that rudely?

To me, this has nothing to do with being second best but with a woman being a bad host and for some reason believes her value will decrease if she is seen with you.

I am interested to hear what your husband says about it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I may ask her another time when she doesn't have people around or when I get a moment alone with her. I did ask our friend but he's not exactly sure what's going on with her either. I do know he isn't happy. Maybe for some reason she does feel like her value will decrease but if that's the case, I shouldn't be good enough when others aren't around. Maybe it's because my husband as well as the two other people she had over all have a longer history with her son. The three of them have known each other much longer than I have so maybe that's why. My husband was not thrilled but I asked him not to say anything. He knows I will handle it at a better time and respects my wishes.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I hope she has an explanation for her behavior and if not you have your answer too.

$ 0.00
3 years ago