You will never find true peace when you attach your heart to anything you have in this world.

True peace is not what you pursue. It won't always be found in new relationships, new work, more wealth, more material possessions.

You may have it for a while but the peace won't pass the test of time. Because everything changes, our world is ever-changing.

People change. Today they are happy with you, tomorrow they are sad.

Today they feel awesome, tomorrow they feel bad.

Even Friends come and go like a common cold.

Your material possessions fade, prices rise, and fall. New things come, your interest in the old is lost.

No one is ever satisfied with wealth. The more they get, the More they desire more at all cost.

Everything in this world changes, Nothing is ever constant.

When you attach your peace to what this world offers, Your peace is never guaranteed to last.

True peace is divine. It only comes from God.

Though things change and people change, but God never changes. He is the same forever.

True peace is not what you pursue but what you attract as a result of the calmness in your heart...even when everything around you changes.

It comes from looking within and knowing God is there, and where God is, there can be no fear of the ever-changing world.

True peace is looking around you and knowing that no matter what happens to you, God is in control, and He will never leave you nor forsake you.

Many have sought peace in this world, they are yet to find it because they are looking for it in the wrong places.

This world don't hold the peace you seek!

When you feel there is no peace on earth, Remember there is peace in Christ.

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@Amna12 posted 3 years ago


Good article

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3 years ago

Nice article 👍👍 I liked it and appreciate your work.Best of luck dear ....I'm new here in this platform Plz support me also I subscribed you also subscribe me and check my articles hope you like it ...Thnx

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User's avatar Alx
3 years ago

Realy very good writong dear

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3 years ago

keep calm and have fun

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3 years ago