Firms that Pay Ransomware will be Continuously Attacked! Yet another good reason to not pay ransomware. Cybercriminals are not trustworthy and they are not your friend. They are looking for easy targets and victims that pay. If you do pay, you are on the preferred list and become a target to every ransomware crew.

The title of the article should say "Firms that pay ransomware will be continuously attacked".

The real story is that all those payments to criminals increases the number of attacks across the industry, the scope and severity of those impacted, and supports a huge recruitment of new criminals into ransomware thus enlarging the pool of aggressors.

Stop the insanity. Businesses are acting in their own self interest at the cost of everyone! Criminalize #ransomware payments to stop the flow of money to cybercriminals! It is the best option to protect everyone by undermining the motivation of attackers.

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