
Earning crypto for some basic work and transferring that crypto to a wallet for use is completely different to investing in cryptocurrencies.

With all crypto there is a chance of losing what you've earnt, and I mean all of it, for various reasons - mainly because of security reasons, hacking and fraud.

If you've earnt a bit of crypto (let's say $10) and it gets stolen from your wallet, it's bad news. No one likes to lose what they've worked for. However, that's nothing compared to losing thousands in a scam or because of an error made in a transaction.

Investing in anything seriously requires skill, experience, risk management and all kinds of work. It's not for beginners or those that think they're going to make a ton of money overnight.

Know your place and always be sceptical. And remember, everything in life comes with a price. Nothing is free.

User's avatar
@mathematics.proofs posted 3 years ago


Nice post

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice post

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This short post is so meaningful, yes, nothing's free n when u engage or invest in any cryptocurrency, u r at risk n like u said, u either win or lose, like me, just trying to invest in something n i hope it will turned out well soon, thanks for this one, Sir

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Indeed nothing in life comes free. There's always a price to pay.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This post is loaded with meaning especially the last paragraph. Indeed nothing in life comes free. There's always a price to pay.

$ 0.00
User's avatar M3i
3 years ago