This is @her-bert and I'm here to share a message concerning life. I hope you enjoy it. Life becomes more exciting when others can smile because of you. There are many good people in this world, if you can't find one, be One! Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of people. Those that live only for themselves are terribly limited. Whatever you do for yourself is gone when you are gone but the deeds you do for others remain as your legacy after you 're gone. Refuse to be a dead end, be a fountain! Never underestimate the difference you can make in the lives of others. If your success isn't for the betterment of other people, you are a failure! Don't see success with God as success with things. Success in life isn't just about what you 've accomplished for yourself; it's about what you inspire others to do that make them better. You never look good trying to make others look bad. You rise by lifting others. The key in life is not accumulation, it's contribution. When you live to improve the lives of others, your life improves automatically. The seed you give may leave your hands but it doesn't leave your life, it prepares the ground for production and harvest. Thank you.

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@Her-bert posted 3 years ago
