How To Manifest The Right Relationship

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3 years ago

Everyone wants a relationship; a partner in crime so to speak but past issues, fear, commitment issues among other wrong ideas block you. You search and search yet to no avail you meet no one that seems right for you. Maybe you see other friends in relationships and often wonder what you might be doing wrong? If this is you, then please read on.

Manifesting the right relationship starts with you; your thoughts are so powerful they create your outcome. First and foremost all society rules need tossing out with the trash. Did you ever wonder who made these rules? Does it matter to you to follow them? Has your life been blissful yet? Most likely your answer is a big fat No!

Do you need a relationship manual? Not really. All you need is very simple actually. The recipe for manifesting the best relationship is to love yourself unconditionally first. Release all past issues and traumas by forgiving everybody, letting go of blame, and realizing that you created it in the first place. Be responsible for yourself. The next ingredient is patience; as healing yourself takes time. The last ingredient is following your own heart by letting it be your only guide and then trusting what you receive. Mix these together, in this order, and you will manifest your true love.

You might be wondering who am I and how do I know? I am speaking from my experience of which I will share with you. Life is truly heavenly and magical if you allow it to be.

My life has always been about relationships. Ever since I started school I have been in one. My first relationship was when I was in the first grade! I had a boyfriend for three years. Thereafter I had one relationship after another until I married. After my divorce I had another bunch of relationships one after another. Summing this up, I have had three marriages and continuous relationships until my third divorce. That was when my guides said, "OK, Maxine, time to analyze and heel yourself first. Ever since 2008, I have not had any relationship until now; the only one meant for me.

Relationships are truly a mirror reflecting you! For instance, I had three marriages with three completely different men! My first husband was 2 years older than me and born in Germany. My second husband was 9 months younger than me, a surfer, outdoorsman, and born in Los Angeles. My third husband was black, from North Carolina, and 24 years younger than myself. Even though they were all completely different, I was the same. My challenge with each of them never changed because I didn't change. If you want to change your outcomes, you must change yourself first because, I repeat, you attract yourself to you! All of them disrespected me because I disrespected myself! All of them lied to me because I was never honest with myself. Are you getting the idea? In between all these marriages I seriously thought I was different but after a while it was obvious that something deeply hidden inside of me still needed healing. I don't care how many relationship books you read, or what you think is true, I am here to enlighten you that you are your own creator and everything that happens to you comes from you.

I am an extremely analytical person which has helped me understand these truths. I practiced my new thoughts while doing internet dating and saw instant results. For example, I truly felt that most men on internet sites were dishonest and only looking for sex. The outcome of that thought was I kept attracting men just like that. We all attract what we believe, no matter what that might be, which proves to us that we are correct in our thinking. When I changed that thought to a positive one, I started attracting respectful men. All the time I was working and healing myself I noticed that all the men I liked were unavailable. When you keep attracting unavailable men/women then the universe is telling you that you are not ready for any committed relationship.

Loving myself unconditionally was a process. There is so much to overcome to make this happen as we have been kept in fear with no understanding of how our universe truly works. We are taught to look up to other people, to envy others, believing we are not pretty enough, young enough, thin enough,and/or worry about other's opinions. Remember this important fact; when others judge you, they truly are judging themselves. We are taught to care for others more than ourselves. That is so untrue and so many people think they love themselves unconditionally yet continue to put others before themselves. Why? Because you have learned that is being selfish! Remember I will repeat this many times, everyone is a mirror reflection of you. When you love yourself unconditionally in every single way, then you can ONLY attract people who love you unconditionally. There is NO WAY out of this rule. This rule extends to all relationships; friends, co-workers, boyfriends, girlfriends, sisters, brothers, family, etc.

After 8 years of dating, learning, growing, and practicing this new me, I started to notice that everyone I attracted was loving, kind, considerate, and had great relationship potential yet, they were not completely compatible to me. Instead of looking at this as a negative, I saw this as a positive. It was a sign my guides were sending me that the right man would soon arrive. I am a person who is not only psychic but also follow my guidance 100%. We all have guides who speak to us in many ways. My guides were showing me that my real twin flame was close by. I will admit that there were times I felt it would never happen. As soon as my thoughts went down that road, I quickly released them and replaced them with positive affirmations.

6 months ago I was given a complete description of the man I would meet; my true last relationship. At that time I was living in another state. I moved, settled in, and got the intuitive message to go back on a particular dating site. Being completely surprised as I had sworn off all dating sites, yet they insisted. One magical day, my twin, who also was a member on that site, was given the intuitive feeling to go on this site now! He had not visited that site for four months. At that same time he was given the message, I happened to be available to chat. He sent me a message and the rest is history! Now I truly know why no other relationship was right for me. Truth be told, I had to heal myself and so did he. I have never met anyone who was so perfect for me in every way! He is more than a soul mate; he is my twin flame. A twin flame is the other half of yourself who is created the same time you were. Whatever your true heart desires, what you have wanted all your life, your dreams, is your twin flame.

What is the moral of this story? That everything happens for a reason. To always be positive about all occurrences. To love yourself unconditionally first. Must be patient and know that timing is everything. Most importantly to also trust what you receive with no questions asked and release all worries because when the time is right, magic happens.

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3 years ago


Yeah manifesting relationship was a good thing for a couple having that trust and loyalty as always, keeping the love alive even when hard times,and good times, its matter to make relationship longer

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