(ENG-ESP) Hopes are like the blue sky | Las esperanzas son como el cielo azul

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Avatar for zulfrontado
10 months ago

Venezuela, June 11, 2023. | No. 123.

English Version:

Hello, dear friend of Read Cash!

There's a lot of cool stuff here, like people with great writing ideas. One of them is @Coolmidwestguy with the Hopes, Dreams and Wishes Challenge, which you can see by clicking on the blue letters.

Guess who can't miss it and is going to participate? This lady, I also invite you, because she is great.


I ask these 3 wishes to the genie.

This reminds me of Aladdin's genie lamp, I loved it when I was little, so I thought that the aluminum sauce cup in my house was a magic lamp. Sometimes I rubbed it thinking that maybe a genie would come out. I know, she was a very dreamy girl. Of course, back then she would have asked for lots of chocolates and toys.

Now, my first wish would be to turn back time. With it I could do many things that I did not do, out of pride or fear. However, those things are what today taught me that life is one, that you always have to do things with your heart, and without fear.

My second wish would be for the world, I want peace and love in every home, in every country, and in every heart. It is what our world today lacks. Life would be more beautiful than it is. And the behavior, as well as the decisions of the people would be more sensible.

The third wish, the last, the expected and that causes anxiety because it is the only one left is... Cha, cha, chan! A sustainable life, and with free access to food. I know what they will say, however, I believe that having a lifestyle that is friendly to the environment will help us to be healthier, to avoid the extinction of species, and that our planet can breathe from the damage that human activity has caused.

In turn, free access to food would help many people to keep their bodies healthy, preventing them from going through the dire situation of not having food on their table. Which is seen in many countries whose economies have been hit, or in situations of extreme poverty. In this way, people would focus on working to be able to acquire other things, without money being a limiting factor for survival.

I even think it could be an integrating idea, where there are community gardens where people grow their own food.

Hopes are like the blue sky, beautiful, bright, and real.

I tell you 3 hopes for the end of the year.

As a Venezuelan, my main hope is that the country shows economic and cultural improvement. Next year will come the presidential elections. I hope that for this there are good candidates for the presidency, in the same way that we unite to make a decision that benefits our country, allowing us to move forward, without sacrificing our freedom as a nation.

In the cultural sphere, we have traditions and a unique way of being, which makes each person who visits us or meets a Venezuelan feel at ease. But, there are also some things that we must change to improve and grow.

The second, obtain good income, and that in turn these are stable by the end of the year. It is a goal that I have been working towards, little by little. Implementing some methods, some work out well, others not so much. This is very important to me, to meet my personal goals.

Among this is getting a job that allows me to continue my studies, where I feel comfortable. And that I obtain income with which to cover my expenses, as well as save. This part is still not clear to me, because getting a job like this in my country is difficult. So I have considered finding work remotely. As well as growing my blogs on the web3.

I feel like I can catch up, so wish me the best of luck.

And my third hope is to see new places. Traveling, taking pictures and writing is something that I really like, I feel that when I do it I am in a beautiful world, which makes me very happy. I would love to do at least two trips before the end of the year. I would love to see the beautiful places in my country, because I have fallen in love with travel vlogs on YouTube. I would also love to travel the world, get to know new cultures, traditions, and try their food.

The sun shines before sunset, like dreams throbbing before coming true.

A dream, my longed for dream.

Curiously, I have already told you most of them.

But, I haven't told you that I want to have my own house. In a quiet place, far from the city, just surrounded by nature. I want my house to have a garden, where I go out to plant flowers and some food. Since I was a child I have loved planting, so I have harvested pumpkins, eggplants and pineapples.

I want it to be like arriving in Narnia, a different world, within the world. With my garden, a huge library, and lots of paints and canvases to draw on.

Although it is something that I have shown very little on the Internet, I love drawing, specifically with paints. I feel a kind of connection very similar to when I plant a plant. Contact with paint and the earth is something unique that I love. It gives me a kind of peace that is hard to describe in words.

What I need to achieve this is to have a good income that allows me to save to be able to acquire it. And in turn, being able to pay for my personal expenses without having to touch my savings. This is what has limited me a bit, because inflation has been a terrible phenomenon in my country.

Also, I would like to have a house facing the sea. Where I can go for a walk every afternoon, watch the sunset, take photos, and write there, on the beach. With either one, I would feel happy.

One of the things that I emphasize a lot when I talk about them is not having neighbors. Many people don't enjoy silence like I do, so they always play music at full volume, shout or talk very loudly, and this kind of thing, I don't like it, I like peace in every sense of the word. Playing music when I want to and at a volume that doesn't make me deaf in the process.

May your wishes come true, like every time the cherry tree blooms.

I wish this for you.

My wish is for the young people of the world, I wish that they find their identity, their inner peace, their place, their goals, their direction. Many kids today feel lost and alone. So I would like you to find someone who can help you. Because I know the transition from adolescence to adulthood, as well as "meeting the standards." When in reality, you don't have to do what you see on networks, a luxurious life, or a perfect body, it won't make you happy.

Knowing what you really want without seeking social validation will make you feel satisfied.

Don't worry, we all at some point want fame, money and everything we see. But, even though you have all of it, you will not find happiness there. Celebrities are the best example, always showing their loneliness or a dysfunctional life in their songs.

The best path you can choose is you, your own goals, your self-discovery.

What makes you happy is how you feel and how satisfied you are with your achievements. I also want to tell you not to compare yourself to anyone, we are all unique, and everything we do is great! As long as it's legal, and doesn't cause harm to others.

When I chose the path of happiness, my life changed. I made many decisions that helped me feel happy and fulfilled. I make my decisions, and I decide to be happy. Doing the things I like, pampering myself, working for my personal goals, knowing who I am.

And most importantly, I do not allow others to negatively influence my personal well-being. Comments without constructivism are not for me. I let them pass by. I keep working on improving, and no one is going to stop that. Because I trust myself, in my ability.

So I wish this to you, dear friend who reads me. I want you to find yourself.

With love, Zul. ❤️

Spanish version:

¡Hola, querido amigo de Read Cash!

Hay muchas cosas interesantes aquí, como personas con ideas geniales para escribir. Uno de ellos es @Coolmidwestguy con el challenge Desafío de esperanzas, sueños y deseos, que puedes ver dando clic en las letras azules.

¿Adivina quien no se lo puede perder y va a participar? Esta señorita, también te invito a ti, porque esta genial.


Le pido estos 3 deseos al genio.

Esto me recuerda al genio de la lampara de Aladin, de pequeña me encantaba, así que pensé que la taza para salsas de aluminio de mi casa era una lampara mágica. A veces la frotaba pensando en que quizás saldría un genio. Lo se, era una niña muy soñadora. Por supuesto, en ese entonces hubiese pedido muchos chocolates y juguetes.

Ahora, mi primer deseo sería, regresar el tiempo. Con ello podría hacer muchas cosas que no hice, por orgullo o temor. Sin embargo, esas cosas son las que hoy en día me enseñaron a que la vida es una sola, a que hay que hacer las cosas siempre con el corazón, y sin temor.

Mi segundo deseo sería para el mundo, quiero que en cada hogar, en cada país, y en cada corazón haya paz y amor. Es lo que le hace falta a nuestro mundo actual. La vida sería más hermosa de lo que es. Y el comportamiento, así como las decisiones de las personas serían más sensatas.

El tercer deseo, el último, el esperado y que causa ansiedad porque es el único que queda es... ¡Cha , cha, chan! Una vida sustentable, y con acceso gratuito a alimentos. Se lo que dirán, sin embargo, creo que tener un estilo de vida amigable con el ambiente nos ayudara a estar más sanos, a evitar la extinción de especies, y a que nuestro planeta pueda respirar del daño que ha causado la actividad humana.

A su vez, el acceso gratuito a alimentos ayudaría a muchas personas a mantener sus cuerpos sanos, evitando que estos pasen por la situación espantosa de no tener comida en su mesa. Lo cual se ve en muchos países cuyas economías han sido golpeadas, o en situaciones de pobreza extrema. De esta manera las personas se enfocarían en trabajar para poder adquirir otras cosas, sin que el dinero sea una limitante para la supervivencia.

Incluso, creo que podría ser una idea integradora, donde existan huertos comunitarios donde las personas cosechen sus propios alimentos.

Las esperanzas son como el cielo azul, hermosas, brillantes, y reales.

Te cuento 3 esperanzas para fin de año.

Como venezolana, mi esperanza principal es que el país muestre una mejora económica y cultural. El año que viene llegarán las elecciones presidenciales. Deseo que para ello hayan buenos candidatos a la presidencia, de igual forma que nos unamos para tomar una decisión que beneficie a nuestro país, permitiéndonos avanzar, sin sacrificar nuestra libertad como nación.

En el ámbito cultural, tenemos tradiciones y una forma de ser únicas, lo que hace que cada persona que nos visite, o conozca a un venezolano se sienta a gusto. Pero, también hay algunas cosas que debemos cambiar para mejorar y crecer.

La segunda, obtener buenos ingresos, y que a su vez estos sean estables para fin de año. Es una meta por la que he estado trabajando, poco a poco. Implementando algunos métodos, algunos salen bien, otros, no tanto. Esto es muy importante para mí, para cumplir mis metas personales.

Entre ello esta conseguir un trabajo que me permita continuar mis estudios, donde me sienta a gusto. Y que obtenga ingresos con los cuales cubrir mis gastos, así como ahorrar. Esta parte, aún no la tengo clara, porque conseguir un trabajo así en mi país es difícil. Así que he considerado en encontrar trabajo de forma remota. Así como hacer crecer mis blogs en la web3.

Siento que puedo alcanzarlo, así que, deseenme mucha suerte.

Y mi tercera esperanza es conocer nuevos lugares. Viajar, tomar fotografías y escribir es algo que me gusta muchísimo, siento que cuando lo hago estoy en un mundo precioso, lo que me hace muy feliz. Me encantaría hacer como mínimo dos viajes antes de que finalice el año. Me encantaría conocer los hermosos lugares de mí país, debido a que me he enamorado de vlogs de viajes en YouTube. También me encantaría viajar por el mundo, conocer nuevas culturas, tradiciones, y probar su comida.

El sol brilla antes del ocaso, al igual que los sueños al palpitar antes de cumplirse.

Un sueño, mi sueño anhelado.

Curiosamente, ya te he contado la mayor parte de ellos.

Pero, no te he contado que quiero tener mi propia casa. En un lugar tranquilo, lejos de la ciudad, solo rodeada de naturaleza. Quiero que mi casa tenga un huerto, donde salga a sembrar flores y algunos alimentos. Desde niña me ha encantado sembrar, así que he cosechado auyamas, berenjenas y piñas.

Quiero que sea como llegar a Narnia, otro mundo diferente, dentro del mundo. Con mi huerto, una enorme biblioteca, y un montón de pinturas y lienzos donde dibujar.

Aunque es algo que muy poco he mostrado en Internet, amo el dibujo, específicamente con pinturas. Siento una especie de conexión muy similar a cuando siembro alguna planta. El contacto con la pintura y la tierra es algo único que me encanta. Me da una especie de paz que es difícil describir con palabras.

Lo que necesito para lograrlo es tener un buen ingreso que me permita ahorrar para poder adquirirla. Y a su vez, poder costear mis gastos personales sin tener que tocar mis ahorros. Esto es lo que me ha limitado un poco, porque la inflación ha sido un fenómeno terrible en mi país.

También, me gustaría tener un casa frente al mar. Donde pueda ir a caminar todas las tardes, ver los ocasos, tomar fotos, y escribir allí, en la playa. Con cualquiera de las dos, me sentiría dichosa.

Una de las cosas que enfatizo mucho cuando hablo de ellos es no tener vecinos. Muchas personas no disfrutan del silencio como yo, así que siempre colocan música a todo volumen,gritan o hablan muy alto, y este tipo de cosas, no me agradan, me gusta la paz en todos los sentidos de la palabra. Colocar música cuando deseo hacerlo y a un volumen que no deje sorda en el proceso.

Que tus deseos se cumplan, como cada vez que florece el árbol de cerezas.

Deseo esto para ti.

Mi deseo es para los jóvenes del mundo, deseo que encuentren su identidad, su paz interior, su lugar, sus metas, su rumbo. Muchos chicos en la actualidad se sienten perdidos y solos. Así que quisiera que encontraran a alguien que pueda ayudarlos. Porque se que la transición de la adolescencia a la adultez, así como "cumplir los estándares". Cuando en realidad, no tienes que hacer lo que ves en redes, una vida lujosa, o un cuerpo perfecto, no te hará feliz.

Saber lo que realmente quieres sin buscar validación social, si te hará sentir satisfecho.

Tranquilo, todos en algún momento queremos fama, dinero y todo lo que vemos. Pero, a pesar de que tengas todo ello, no encontraras la felicidad allí. Los famosos son el mayor ejemplo, siempre mostrando en sus canciones su soledad, o una vida disfuncional.

El mejor camino que puedes elegir, eres tu, tu propias metas, tu auto-descubrimiento.

Lo que te hace feliz es como te sientes.y lo satisfecho que estas con tus logros. También quiero decirte que no te compares con nadie, todos somos únicos, y todo lo que hacemos es ¡genial! Siempre y cuando sea legal, y no cause daño a otros.

Cuando elegí el camino de la felicidad, mi vida cambio. Tome muchas decisiones que me ayudaron a sentirme feliz y plena. Yo tomo mis decisiones, y decido ser feliz. Haciendo las cosas que me gustan, consintiendome, trabajando por mis metas personales, sabiendo quien soy.

Y lo más importante, no permito que otros influyan negativamente en mi bienestar personal. Los comentarios sin constructivismo, no son para mí. Los dejo pasar de largo. Continuo trabajando en mejorar, y nadie va a parar eso. Porque confío en mi, en mi capacidad.

Así que esto te deseo a ti, querido amigo que me lees. Deseo que te encuentres a ti.

Con amor, Zul. ❤️

My community at Read Cash, I speak Spanish!

My professional profile on Linkedin.

I love writing, and taking photographs, so here I leave you other places where I also write with a lot of love.


✒️Read Cash | ✒️Hive Blog | ✒️Blurt Blog | ✒️Serey | ✒️BBS Network


✒️Noise App | ✒️Mylot | ✒️Leofinance

My book, and poetry blog:

✒️My book on Wattpad: Crimson Skin | ✒️Medium

And here are my social networks:

✒️Fan page on Facebook | ✒️Instagram | ✒️Twitter | ✒️Tumblr | ✒️Liketu

The text and images are of my authorship.

$ 2.79
$ 2.50 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.28 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @sanctuary.the-one-law
Avatar for zulfrontado
10 months ago


my first wish would be to turn back time.

ah no no, not for me, my past was horrible one. I'll just continue living my life.

$ 0.01
10 months ago

In my adolescence I was very immature, and I limited myself to living things that were really important. Honestly, I would like one more moment of those moments.

But, everyone has their point of view.

$ 0.00
10 months ago

Ohhhh I see. ❤️

$ 0.00
10 months ago

Muy bien y gracias de todo corazón

$ 0.01
10 months ago

Join you too! You would like to write for the challenge.

$ 0.00
10 months ago

Knowing what you really want without seeking social validation will make you feel satisfied.

This is on point. I like how you put out your thoughts on this Zul. It is very empowering. And you look beautiful with your curly hair 😍

$ 0.00
10 months ago

I've always been the misfit that doesn't fit in jajajaja. So there was a moment when I stopped and said: Why do I want to fit in, if I am my own puzzle?

Thank you so much. :)

$ 0.00
10 months ago

That is so true. ♥️

$ 0.00
10 months ago

Nice you have laid it all out. Turning back time could definitely make things for the better. Having peace and love in every home would make for a better world. Substaining life with access to food could be a game changer to all. I like your idea of a dream house for your own.

Thanks for doing this, I enjoyed reading your thoughts. I wish you a good week ahead :)

$ 0.01
10 months ago

Thank you so much! It's just that I wanted to write about everything a bit. I liked the idea.

And yes, it would be a game changer, but it would help a lot of people.

$ 0.04
10 months ago

Your welcome and I'm glad you liked the idea

$ 0.00
10 months ago