The ingredients of an ideal relationship

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1 year ago

Do you have an idea of what you want from your partner? Do you know what you want from them, and how to get it? Or are you just winging it?

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If the latter is the case, then we've got some advice for you: ask yourself why. What does your relationship need to be like in order for you to feel fulfilled in it? Is there something about the current state of your relationship that makes you unhappy? If so, look at ways to change that. If not, maybe there's nothing wrong with the way things are at all—maybe your needs aren't being met because they're different than those of your partner's. Maybe there are other things going on in life that are affecting your relationship negatively. Maybe there's something else entirely that's causing problems in a way neither person can see clearly yet but which will become clearer as time goes on. Either way, if there's something missing from this particular union—if each person feels unfulfilled or dissatisfied—then it might be time for a change!

An ideal relationship is one that is built on trust, respect and love.

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When you have a good relationship with someone, you give them your full attention and respect them as an individual. You listen to what they have to say, you acknowledge their feelings and opinions, and you are willing to compromise if it means bettering the relationship.

A great relationship is one where both partners are committed to being there for each other in good times and bad. If one partner feels like something isn't right in the relationship (for instance, they're not getting enough attention), they'll speak up about it and work towards improving things together. If one partner isn't happy with their partner's behavior, they can take a step back without feeling resentful or angry—they just want their partner to change their behavior. It's a place where you can feel safe, but also have the freedom to be yourself. It's a place where you can be happy and sad, mad and glad, angry and peaceful, etc., at will. You don't have to try so hard to keep everything together because your partner understands how it feels when you're on a rollercoaster.

It is one where both partners are able to be themselves and love each other unconditionally. The two of you should not be afraid to show your emotions, especially in front of each other. You should be able to talk about anything and everything with each other without worrying that it will ruin the relationship, because it won't. This means that when someone makes a mistake, they don't have to hide it from their partner. Your partner understands your changes in mood, because they've experienced them too. They know what it's like to go through something that makes you want to break down and cry and then get angry and yell at them for making you upset. They know what it's like when they're having an off day, because they've been there too!

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You should also feel free to put your needs first at all times and know that your partner will always be there for you no matter what. It's important that you trust each other completely so that neither of you ever feels like they're not being heard or understood by the other person.

Lastly, an ideal relationship also has longevity; it's not based on physical attraction or lust - it's about emotional intimacy and commitment that lasts over time regardless of how many times either person changes or grows as individuals over time. It is one that is mutually fulfilling and sustainable. It has to be, because it's hard to make a relationship work when you're not happy with the other person. The key word here is "mutual," because no one should ever have all of their needs met by any one person. That's just not possible! So when we talk about having "mutual respect," what we really mean is respecting each other's boundaries and needs so that everyone feels respected by their partners at all times.

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1 year ago


All of those three ingredients are very important in a relationship, it all works to have a good relationship. On the other hand, there's no perfect relationship or marriage, but as long as both are willing to work it out everything will be all right.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes you're right! There's no such thing as perfect relationship. It is how we make it work.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

All of those things are really important in the relationship. Without it most relationship failed and there is no longevity in the relationship. Thanks for sharing it.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It's my pleasure! Thank you for appreciating my article!

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1 year ago