Find your own unique voice

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2 years ago

Finding your own unique voice can be a difficult process. It is easier said than done, but it's something you can't afford to ignore. Sometimes, it takes a lot of trial and error to find the right tone for your writing.

Image from Loslaten.Nu

We all have a voice. And we all have the ability to use it.

When I started writing this article, I didn't know what would come out of my fingers and onto my screen, but as I wrote, I found myself saying things that had been brewing inside me for years—things about my journey and how it has shaped who I am today.

I've learned that there's a lot more to it than just typing words onto a page. It's about finding your own unique voice and sharing your story with the world. For me, that means starting with an idea and then letting my fingers fly—and then seeing where they take me.

It can be scary to put yourself out there like that—to share parts of yourself with others—but it's also incredibly liberating. And when you find your own unique voice, it becomes easier to share your story with others in an authentic way that resonates with them too.

Image from Essential Personnel

I have always loved writing, but it wasn't until recently that I discovered the joy of sharing my words with others. In fact, it was only after some very close friends encouraged me to start publishing my work online that I began to think of myself as an "author."

Before then, writing was something private; something I did when no one was looking. But once I got into the habit of sharing what I wrote online—and saw how much people appreciated it—it became less intimidating and more fun.

Now imagine if someone else had written this article instead of me: would they have said what I did? Probably not! And that's why we need so many different kinds of voices in the world. But how do you find it? How do you find your own unique voice, the one that's all yours?

The first step to finding your voice is getting out of your head and into the world. When we spend time observing our surroundings, what we see and hear, and who we interact with, we end up learning so much about ourselves. The key is to keep an open mind—you never know what will bring something special out in you!

Once you've collected the raw materials for your writing, it's time to start shaping those ideas into something that feels right for you. Start by writing down everything that comes to mind when you think about your topic. Then look at what jumps out at you—what words are repeated? What phrases are used more than once? What concepts seem to be missing?

Once you have a good sense of what really matters to you when it comes to this topic or subject matter, start pulling together all the elements that make up that feeling into an outline. Don't worry about making sure everything fits perfectly or if one idea follows another logically; just write down everything that comes into your head as quickly as possible so that nothing gets lost along the way.

Image from Unsplash

In Conclusion

Finding your voice is about more than just learning how to speak up for yourself. It's about finding the ability to express yourself in a way that feels authentic and true to who you are.

We're all different, and we all have our own unique ways of communicating. We want you to be able to express yourself comfortably and confidently in any situation—whether it's in public or at home with your friends—and for many people, this also means being confident enough to share their thoughts and ideas in an articulate way.

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2 years ago


As long as we are genuine, our writings will sound "like us". Pretending to write "professionally" would sound robotic and fake, and people will notice it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agree with you. People will like our article more if it really comes from our heart and minds naturally, not forced.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow This is really helpful. My voice is that I've been thinking in my mind and I finally want to let it out to the world. My writing is my voice

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you very much! I hope you use that voice to make a change in this world. Keep up the good work!

$ 0.00
2 years ago