I've bought a pack of chia seeds before at an online buy and sell page.I nearly forgot about it because I stopped using it on my coffee or soup.I read somewhere in facebook that it's good for lactating mothers with little supply of breastmilk,that's the reason I bought a 2pound pack and not the smaller one.Since I've used it,my breastmilk started to flow more.Until now my baby is satisfied and contended when latching,unlike before that no matter how hard he latched it would only tire him and he would cry because he's not full yet.
There's still more left and I would like to ask what to make out of it.Maybe you've got some simple recipes for smoothies or anything it could be used for?specially those that kids love to eat or drink.I'll be glad to read it in the comment section.
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Try to add some fruits like banana, blend first. I think its more healthier..