Husband went to a Disco Party

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Avatar for yoieuqudniram
1 year ago
Topics: Party, Disco, Fun, Work, Dancing, ...

From unsplash

Have you ever been to party? A disco party perhaps? Well, me? I can't remember but as long as I can remember, I never liked Disco. I grew up bwlieving that Disco is not God's and I never like loud music. I have passed by a disco party onc and it's so loud, the bass vibrates on the ground and it causes my chest to tighten. I don' know why I feel this way but so does my daughter.

There was once in Nanay's house tha my sister in law bought her father a sound system Nd the used it, full blast music and my eldest daughter is crying asking me to ho home because she said her heart aches, she could ot stop crying so we did. Father she relaxed, I asked dher what happened and explained to me about what she felt.

This week is the week-long celebrationfor fiesta of the Subdivision near us called Artajo Village. Thi s year is the subdivisions first celebration of thier very own fiesta and it so appned that the barangay chairman was living on the same village so they had a grand celebration. On Monday night, the village had its disco party, and one of the cleaners in the office is very excited about it invinting her friends to go.

At times like that, almost all of the poeple drinks alcohol even the minors, yeah the will find away to drink and have fun. You know the kids, they are curious of what most of the grown ups do. My mind was advance playing of the harm that anyone might get ingoing there.

In the morrow, neneng told me that someone got stabbed on his chest on the Disco Party. Her sister was a rescue officer and she said that the boy was stabbed with a broken bottle on his chest and was borught to the hospital. But despite what happened, they party still continued to go shortly after the recuers were gone.

Tonight, it was already 9 in the evening, my cousin, Jimmy went to our house, he said that thier co-barangay tanod called him and asked for both of their assistance in maintaining peace in the covered court where the disco was held.

I don't want him ot go because of my reasons above but his duties and responsibilities comes first. Nothing else that I can do so I Blessed his walk and asked him to be back soon.

A few minutes later, he sent me these pictures, he saw my co worker in the Disco place with another group of friends. We'll I never care much since it was really kit my thing and we don't have the same lifestyle.

I'm constantly checking on my husband, not because I am jealous or something but I am worried about his safety. On his last uosat, he was assigned to the discovs entrance and I joked at him asking he might look like a club bouncer right now.

I'm just so thankful tha my husband went to a Disco not to party but to do some work.

By the way, Ton does not dance on a disco party too, though he said he had been into a few times when he was younger; not to dance but to sleep above the sound boxes. Pretty weird, right? At first, I did not believe him too. What about you?

Who can sleep on a disco sound box when it was way too loud? But he insisted he did it, and his friend testified for him do I did believe him.

I hope he will be home soon. I still have to stay awake to open the main door for him or he will be sleeping outside LOLS.

What about you all, what's your disco story?

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Avatar for yoieuqudniram
1 year ago
Topics: Party, Disco, Fun, Work, Dancing, ...


Ahahah your husband is funny. But it's not weird. Some people indeed loves loud music. I feel them cause I like to listen loud music and hard bass too. Ii makes me more energetic to work or workout. But I never sleep above any sound's box :D

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I'm glad you shared your likes! Maybe I should try working with loud bass and music some time. Though I sleep with soft music sometimes especially when I need to sleep faster.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

same reason for me sis.. although back in my younger years, i went and partied with my ex bf..hahaha that happened once only

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Haha I hope it was fun sis. Naa man gyud sa atoa ng a a invite ta uh in ana ng mga activities ba.

Its not bad to try something new too haha.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I hope your husband went home safe sis. Anyway back then I never really liked disco๐Ÿ˜….

$ 0.00
1 year ago

salamat sis, safe syang nakauwi kagabi , 12:30 n ayata yun iniwan ny amga kasama nya kasi he said he need sot rest dahil may psok pa sila today

$ 0.00
1 year ago

When I was younger I used to go to a lot of disco parties. Well at least once a year ๐Ÿ˜‚. It can be dangerous specially when people are drunk and alcohol is involved.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

mabtui at safe kanu ng nag didisco sis. may fear talag ako sa mg adrunk people kaya di ako naglalabas. misnan kasi mwawalasa katinuan yung lasing

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Well your fear is well warranted sis with all the horrible things happening out there.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oo nga sis buti at safe syang nakarating later. that night

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ay nagbabantay pala si husband mo diyan sis, akala ko nag disco din sya diyan, ako rin never in my life nag disco kasi hindi ko rin gusto at di kasi ako pala labas na Tao.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Apir! Tatlo na tao sis..

Dami na kasing nasaksak diot dahil a disco sis, haays. Katakot. Tsaka ang inagt sis. Nakakapalpitate sa ingay

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ako sis hindi mahilig sa disco pero pag fiesta napapadaan kami pag may bilhin sa store nung bata pa ako sis. Super strict papa ko sis kaya never ko naranasan yung disco.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Same sis, tanaw ta aw nalang sa nasa loob. Haha. Ewna ko ba sis ha, ang ingay pero daming nag eenjoy sa loob.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oo sis. Depende talaga sa tao. May nag eenjoy meron din hindi sis.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

true, in fact mas marami ang nag eenjoy kesa sa hindi

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oo sis. Minsan lang din kasi ang disco mostly pag may fiesta or celebration sa Barangay.

$ 0.00
1 year ago